Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 5

Today we made windsocks. We used a variety of items for the main body (tin can, oatmeal container & coffee can) and we used spray paint, star stickers and ribbon for the rest.
I got the idea from here:

My plans to do this activity were foiled when the landlords came and turned the sprinklers on again this afternoon. Leaving my yard soaking wet. (I understand you guys like green lawns, but this is getting ridiculous!) Then the neighbors who moved came back for the afternoon to clean some more so Kylie played with Beau & Hayden. And Sidney took her afternoon nap about 1.5 hours later than she normally does. It's been a long day!

We still sprayed our cans outside after the neighbors left and then brought them in to finish them once they were dry. I'm glad we ended up doing the rest inside though. It was so hot today. Although, Kylie doesn't seem to understand that 96* is too hot to play outside! It has been in the 90's all week and is suppose to stay in the 90's through Tuesday. Ick!

She had a hard time pushing the button, but
with some help, we got them all sprayed.

tin can, oatmeal container, (plastic) coffee can

Kylie got to put on the stickers and cut the ribbons for me. We had two different kinds of ribbon because our local craft/fabric store is mostly a fabric store and she doesn't keep anything else stocked very well.

She focused very hard on getting those stickers on.



I got to use my new glue gun to add the ribbons. I am super excited to finally have a glue gun! Yea!
I am looking forward to using it on a ton of crafts this summer! I did the gluing part after the girls went to bed. I don't have my kitchen table cleaned off, so the only place for me to glue is on the floor. Sidney figured out that even though the gate is up to the kitchen, she can crawl through my room, the bathroom and then her room and get into the kitchen that way. If I was thinking earlier, I would have just shut my door to my room, but I obviously wasn't thinking. :)

Here are our finished windsocks. I will update a photo tomorrow once I find the twine to hang them up with. Just need to find the perfect branch to hang them on outside! :)

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