Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 2

Today we decided to do a couple of fun things while Sidney took her long afternoon nap.
The first thing we did was play with milk and food coloring. That doesn't sound too exciting, but when you add a toothpick dipped in dish soap, it is actually pretty cool. I am not really sure if this activity has a set name, so I just told Kylie we were going to do some milk painting.
Here are a few pics from this fun.

Before I handed over the toothpick


our second go round since the first was
so much fun

our pretty milk :)
Shortly after this, we busted out some rubber bands, paint, paper and a cookie sheet for some rubber band painting. Kylie got to help set it up and had quite a bit of fun playing with the rubber bands and splattering paint EVERYWHERE.
putting the rubber bands on


her first creation.
I love it!


her second one

I love her face in this photo. :)

I also love how she had her eyes closed and her head pulled
back almost every time when she pulled the bands up. :)

Kylie also helped me make a little sensory bag for Sidney to play with since she didn't get to join in our fun. Some hair gel, beads, beans and pom poms later, we had a little bag ready for her when she woke up. Needless to say she didn't really care about it at all. She greatly preferred the bag of pom poms instead. Oh well!
My big helper

Her sensory bag


Oooo - pom poms :)

And a cute picture of her napping this morning.
I hope your Tuesday was as fun as ours!!
Tomorrow we are hitting the library for some new books (and some A/C) and we are going to tackle another Pinterest idea!

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