Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Glow Bubbles

Saturday night we promised Kylie that she could stay up until it was dark enough to try out some glow-in-the-dark bubbles she got from the neighbor.
The paper on the inside of the package says "You are about to have an awesome outdoor play experience like never before!" - (I don't think I would go that far...)
 FYI - you need almost complete darkness to see the individual bubbles glow, the garage worked nicely. It was pretty fun though to see the ground glow where some solution dripped or where the bubbles popped. Kylie was also glowing before we went in.

None of my pictures worked out too well. Still trying to figure out the right settings for night photos.

The bottle of bubble solution after I mixed it all up.

really blurry, but you can see her wand glowing too

getting ready to blow bubbles

where solution dripped on the table and where a bubble popped
Not sure if we would ever actually buy the store stuff. It would probably be better for older kids who can stay up until midnight on a cloudy night so it is super dark. (We could only see the actual bubble glowing in the almost pitch black garage.)


 It was crazy hot Sunday, and Monday (low 90s). Was pretty humid out here yesterday - not normal. We had a pretty serious storm miss us yesterday. I guess it had ping pong ball sized hail. Glad that missed us...I didn't want to deal with whatever that would have done our vehicles.
Going to be crazy hot today and tomorrow (95!) too. Glad the air conditioner got put in Saturday too. It has helped to keep the house around 75. Even though 75 is pretty warm, we are just hoping to keep it at least 10 degrees cooler in the house, than it is outside. Gotta love un-insulated old farm houses. Hoping after this week of high temps, it will cool off for a little bit and only be in the low 80s for awhile. I Hope!

Hope your weather is nice where ever you are and that you have a great week!

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