Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cute Pictures

I wanted to take some new pictures of the girls for Father's Day to send out in cards and to give Mike.

The field next to our house is hay or alfalfa or something and is about as tall as Kylie now, so I thought I would take some pics out there. I got a couple cute ones of Kylie, but Sidney refused to sit out there and wouldn't even give me one pic. :) So I have a couple cute one's of her climbing on me.

This past week I also tried glow-sticks in the bath (would have been cooler with a lot more sticks, only had 4 of the skinny ones) and we had play group at a local park, a random dress up dance party in the living and she had popscicles with the neighbors. Included are a few pics from this past week.

Today was pretty low key since Mike is gone. It was Hayden's birthday today, so Kylie spent some time over there for her little party and then spent the rest of the afternoon/evening playing outside with the neighbors. I want her to get as much play time with them as she can because Jen told me Friday that they are moving down to Riverton. They've spent the last couple of days packing and driving things down to their new house. Kylie has been having a hard time with the idea that Beau and Hayden are leaving. She is finally to the age where she really understands that she probably won't see them again. I can't even imagine how she will react if (well, really more like When) we move again.

Here are the pics. :)

practicing our senior portrait poses already!



We made this picture for Mike this year. - FYI - wait
until your youngest is able to follow directions and you can
trust them to sit by themselves on something up off the ground!
Glow stick bath party!

Playgroup consisted of playing in the park
sprinklers for the majority of the time.

Sidney didn't really care about anything at playgroup -
she actually slept through most of!

Dress Up Dance Party!

She was also singing the whole time - thus
the open mouth photos.

Popscicle break in the shade of the trampoline!
(Kylie was pretty sad when they took down the trampoline
down today to move it to their new house)
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and wonderful Father's Day.

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