Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 3

Today we made moon sand. I have seen this multiple times on Pinterest, each with a different proportion of the two ingredients. So we just went in the middle and it worked great. Kylie had fun helping measure out the ingredients, mixing it all together and playing in it!
So, 5 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil later, we got Moon Sand!!

Pouring in some flour

Pouring in the baby oil


molded into a ball -
we even made a little snowman

She had started digging around in it going
"arrgh" like she was a pirate digging for treasure,
so I went in and got her some "treasure" to dig for

her "gold coins"
(sequence chips)

After some fun sand play, we got out some water balloons and played catch for a little while, until we popped them all. OMG - I knew it was hard to tie water balloons, but I really forgot how VERY hard it is! I think I put holes in or popped at least 8 in my lap before I got one tied. But Kylie found it amusing that I was getting soaked, so it was all good.


she was pretty excited to play catch with these guys

We also took turns chasing each other with the hose and I am impressed with how wet she got me. Then I set up the sprinkler and we ran through that for a bit and wet down the slide so she could have a water slide.

It was a fabulous day full of fun since we even spent this morning at the library and then had a picnic at the park. A Very full day and both girls are out cold for the night.

I am so grateful that Sidney takes a good long afternoon nap so I can focus on some Kylie time.

Hope you all had a great Wednesday!

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