Sunday, June 30, 2013

9 Months!

Another month has come and gone. I have a 9 month old and a 2 months shy of a 4 year old!

This morning we had some visitors since my cousin Michael and his wife, Elta, spent the night and hung out this morning. Kylie was so excited to have a reprieve of just seeing Sidney & me. :) They played board games with her and tickled and danced and just had a great time. Their kitty eventually came out from hiding and Kylie was able to pet her a couple of times too.

Sidney is a speedy little thing these days! She can crawl over, under and around everything. She can also walk across the room while she pushes either her push and ride toy or a stand at and play piano toy. She loves moving around with them! She also regularly cruises along the furniture. I have a feeling it won't be too long till I have 2 walkers!

Sidney still only has her 2 bottom teeth, that aren't all the way up yet. But they are getting there! She loves making noise, whether it be her voice or by banging stuff together. No real mamama, bababa, or daddadaa sounds yet though.

She loves to eat! Although, looking at her you wouldn't think so. She loves food. Mashed potatoes may be her favorite. She greatly prefers to self feed, so she doesn't eat much purees. She pretty much eats what we eat, but I try to give her more fruits and veggies than I actually eat! :) It'll be easier now since it's summer and the stores will be stocked much better, and the farmers market will start soon I think!

On our scales, she only weighs about 16.2 pounds and is 28 1/4 inches. Her check up is on the 2nd. So we'll see how accurate my numbers are! It seems she hasn't really gained any weight the last couple of months, but she is definitely getting taller. May yet end up tall and skinny like Kylie! (which will make Sidney wearing hand-me-downs sooo much easier!)

I did a little outdoor photo shoot for her photos today. I am a looooong way off from professional photographer skills, but I think they are pretty cute.






The key to success is multiple snack breaks
leading to chewing shots like this. :)


Kylie wanted in on some picture action at the end.
Yes, they are wearing coordinating outfits. :)
I am working on getting a video of her walking with her push and ride toy across the living room. Will hopefully get it posted in the next day or two if I can get the computer to cooperate.

Hope you all have had a great weekend! 6 days or less until Mike should be home!!
Have a good week!