Sunday, June 30, 2013

9 Months!

Another month has come and gone. I have a 9 month old and a 2 months shy of a 4 year old!

This morning we had some visitors since my cousin Michael and his wife, Elta, spent the night and hung out this morning. Kylie was so excited to have a reprieve of just seeing Sidney & me. :) They played board games with her and tickled and danced and just had a great time. Their kitty eventually came out from hiding and Kylie was able to pet her a couple of times too.

Sidney is a speedy little thing these days! She can crawl over, under and around everything. She can also walk across the room while she pushes either her push and ride toy or a stand at and play piano toy. She loves moving around with them! She also regularly cruises along the furniture. I have a feeling it won't be too long till I have 2 walkers!

Sidney still only has her 2 bottom teeth, that aren't all the way up yet. But they are getting there! She loves making noise, whether it be her voice or by banging stuff together. No real mamama, bababa, or daddadaa sounds yet though.

She loves to eat! Although, looking at her you wouldn't think so. She loves food. Mashed potatoes may be her favorite. She greatly prefers to self feed, so she doesn't eat much purees. She pretty much eats what we eat, but I try to give her more fruits and veggies than I actually eat! :) It'll be easier now since it's summer and the stores will be stocked much better, and the farmers market will start soon I think!

On our scales, she only weighs about 16.2 pounds and is 28 1/4 inches. Her check up is on the 2nd. So we'll see how accurate my numbers are! It seems she hasn't really gained any weight the last couple of months, but she is definitely getting taller. May yet end up tall and skinny like Kylie! (which will make Sidney wearing hand-me-downs sooo much easier!)

I did a little outdoor photo shoot for her photos today. I am a looooong way off from professional photographer skills, but I think they are pretty cute.






The key to success is multiple snack breaks
leading to chewing shots like this. :)


Kylie wanted in on some picture action at the end.
Yes, they are wearing coordinating outfits. :)
I am working on getting a video of her walking with her push and ride toy across the living room. Will hopefully get it posted in the next day or two if I can get the computer to cooperate.

Hope you all have had a great weekend! 6 days or less until Mike should be home!!
Have a good week!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 6

I think this will be the last of the daily pinterest updates. We may still do random fun things everyday, but I doubt I will post regular posts. At least not until Mike gets back.

Here are the pics from our finished hanging windsocks. They are in the tree right next to the house, so anyone who drives in can see them. :)

She's pretty proud of them. :)

We also put some 4th of July window clings up on the screen door and the door to the porch tonight. She really loves arranging them. :)
Today's activity though was more of a loner activity for Kylie. Which was nice, because I got to get a few dishes done and some stuff picked up since my cousin and his wife and kitty are crashing at our house tonight as they move from Idaho to MN.
I filled a cake pan with baking soda and gave her 4 cups with different colored vinegar and a medicine dropper. Showed her what to do and then let her go to town. :)
She had fun and was sad to learn that I had no more baking soda since I used it all for her right away.
Here she is.



I love this "whoa" face.

She filled it up with ALL the vinegar. :)
That's all I got tonight. Must go finish picking up a couple of things before they get here. Should be any minute now!
Hope you're all having a good weekend!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 5

Today we made windsocks. We used a variety of items for the main body (tin can, oatmeal container & coffee can) and we used spray paint, star stickers and ribbon for the rest.
I got the idea from here:

My plans to do this activity were foiled when the landlords came and turned the sprinklers on again this afternoon. Leaving my yard soaking wet. (I understand you guys like green lawns, but this is getting ridiculous!) Then the neighbors who moved came back for the afternoon to clean some more so Kylie played with Beau & Hayden. And Sidney took her afternoon nap about 1.5 hours later than she normally does. It's been a long day!

We still sprayed our cans outside after the neighbors left and then brought them in to finish them once they were dry. I'm glad we ended up doing the rest inside though. It was so hot today. Although, Kylie doesn't seem to understand that 96* is too hot to play outside! It has been in the 90's all week and is suppose to stay in the 90's through Tuesday. Ick!

She had a hard time pushing the button, but
with some help, we got them all sprayed.

tin can, oatmeal container, (plastic) coffee can

Kylie got to put on the stickers and cut the ribbons for me. We had two different kinds of ribbon because our local craft/fabric store is mostly a fabric store and she doesn't keep anything else stocked very well.

She focused very hard on getting those stickers on.



I got to use my new glue gun to add the ribbons. I am super excited to finally have a glue gun! Yea!
I am looking forward to using it on a ton of crafts this summer! I did the gluing part after the girls went to bed. I don't have my kitchen table cleaned off, so the only place for me to glue is on the floor. Sidney figured out that even though the gate is up to the kitchen, she can crawl through my room, the bathroom and then her room and get into the kitchen that way. If I was thinking earlier, I would have just shut my door to my room, but I obviously wasn't thinking. :)

Here are our finished windsocks. I will update a photo tomorrow once I find the twine to hang them up with. Just need to find the perfect branch to hang them on outside! :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 4

Today was nice and busy! This morning we had playgroup. It was at a local mom's house this week since she has a great big backyard and a pool. Kylie got to play in a big pool and jump on a trampoline and Sidney got to splash in the kiddie pool and play in the sprinkler. They also got a picnic lunch, so that makes everything more fun!

During Sidney's nap Kylie and I got to play with some snow. :) Kinda. It was actually frozen shaving cream. I had bought a can of Skintimate shaving gel, and after spraying it into my little tub, I realized it wasn't gonna work. It didn't puff up. So I went and got my can of shaving cream and that fluffed up like I was looking for. So, she got two versions of Summer snow. I popped them in the freezer last night and she got to play with them this afternoon.
The gel worked out kinda cool though because it froze solid and we got break it up like little pink ice cubes. It was pretty fun.

Afterwards, we both played in her pool, lounged around on towels eating chips, drew with some chalk and played hopscotch. It was a lot of fun. Like usual.

I then spent the evening rearranging my bedroom and Sidney's room, since we got a dresser from the neighbors when they moved. Kylie spent the evening eating ice cream and entertaining her sister. :)

Mike got put on initial attack, but I'm not quite sure if he is doing much. He texted earlier that he is bored. :) He also sent a pic that showed me the elevation of where he was hiking. 11,537 feet. Yikes.

Anyways - here are out pictures. :)

The fluffiness difference.

She wasn't really too sure about playing
with it until I stuck my hands in.


The completely frozen gel chunks

lathering up!


Then we added water to wash up the table and made
it all frothy. She enjoyed it!

And a random spaghetti face of Sidney from tonight.
Here is the link from the Summer Snow.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 3

Today we made moon sand. I have seen this multiple times on Pinterest, each with a different proportion of the two ingredients. So we just went in the middle and it worked great. Kylie had fun helping measure out the ingredients, mixing it all together and playing in it!
So, 5 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil later, we got Moon Sand!!

Pouring in some flour

Pouring in the baby oil


molded into a ball -
we even made a little snowman

She had started digging around in it going
"arrgh" like she was a pirate digging for treasure,
so I went in and got her some "treasure" to dig for

her "gold coins"
(sequence chips)

After some fun sand play, we got out some water balloons and played catch for a little while, until we popped them all. OMG - I knew it was hard to tie water balloons, but I really forgot how VERY hard it is! I think I put holes in or popped at least 8 in my lap before I got one tied. But Kylie found it amusing that I was getting soaked, so it was all good.


she was pretty excited to play catch with these guys

We also took turns chasing each other with the hose and I am impressed with how wet she got me. Then I set up the sprinkler and we ran through that for a bit and wet down the slide so she could have a water slide.

It was a fabulous day full of fun since we even spent this morning at the library and then had a picnic at the park. A Very full day and both girls are out cold for the night.

I am so grateful that Sidney takes a good long afternoon nap so I can focus on some Kylie time.

Hope you all had a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 2

Today we decided to do a couple of fun things while Sidney took her long afternoon nap.
The first thing we did was play with milk and food coloring. That doesn't sound too exciting, but when you add a toothpick dipped in dish soap, it is actually pretty cool. I am not really sure if this activity has a set name, so I just told Kylie we were going to do some milk painting.
Here are a few pics from this fun.

Before I handed over the toothpick


our second go round since the first was
so much fun

our pretty milk :)
Shortly after this, we busted out some rubber bands, paint, paper and a cookie sheet for some rubber band painting. Kylie got to help set it up and had quite a bit of fun playing with the rubber bands and splattering paint EVERYWHERE.
putting the rubber bands on


her first creation.
I love it!


her second one

I love her face in this photo. :)

I also love how she had her eyes closed and her head pulled
back almost every time when she pulled the bands up. :)

Kylie also helped me make a little sensory bag for Sidney to play with since she didn't get to join in our fun. Some hair gel, beads, beans and pom poms later, we had a little bag ready for her when she woke up. Needless to say she didn't really care about it at all. She greatly preferred the bag of pom poms instead. Oh well!
My big helper

Her sensory bag


Oooo - pom poms :)

And a cute picture of her napping this morning.
I hope your Tuesday was as fun as ours!!
Tomorrow we are hitting the library for some new books (and some A/C) and we are going to tackle another Pinterest idea!