Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter weekend Fun!

What an eventful weekend!

Yesterday the girls got their Easter baskets. Kylie was pretty excited that they both got bunny dolls and she was also excited for all the hair accessories and the new cup she got. Sidney was pretty excited for the paper grass. She may or may not have eaten a small piece. :) I think she was also pretty excited about a new toy she got too though.

We got the girls all dressed up and headed to church. After church we got home and had lunch and let Sidney take a nap. Then we headed outside for some pics.
When we bought our new camera, we bought a tripod to go with it, so we were able to take a new family photo. I also took a couple cute pics of the girls, even though Sidney wouldn't look up.

We colored eggs on Saturday night too. I only made a dozen eggs, but that went by waaaay to fast for Kylie. Should have made some more eggs. :)

We also did an egg hunt for Kylie Sunday afternoon. It was pretty windy out, but she had fun. Sidney enjoyed chewing on some plastic egg as well.  Kylie got a decent amount of loot from her hunt and then got to play outside for a little while.

Here are some pics from our weekend.

Sidney checking out her new toy

Kylie showing me her new hair ties

Sidney not so sure about the texture of this stuff.

New family photo.

I LOVE this picture.
Mike giving the girls a push
Dipping an egg

I love her little contemplating face. :)

Looking for eggs :)

Founds some!

The final collection

Her loot from the hunt. :)
We had a great weekend, hope you all did too! 

-Sidney wore the dress Kylie did for her first Easter. I am hoping to put the pics side by side to compare their look. Anticipate a blog post sooner or later that shows those pics. :)

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