Tuesday, April 30, 2013

7 months!!

Sidney is 7 months old today! I can't believe our little peanut is that old already! I say that every month that rolls around, but it is so sad that time is going this fast!

The fact that Sidney is 7 months old, means there is only 4 months until Kylie turns 4!!! Holy crap!

Sidney has been pretty busy this past month. She can now pull herself up on things. She did it on her little blue rocker chair, in her crib and on my legs. When she does it on my legs she usually gets stuck in sort of a L position, unless I bend my legs up. She easily goes from sitting to crawl position and has even pushed herself backwards with her hands. She can also turn herself in a little circle when she is in a half crawl/half laying on her belly position. I know she badly wants to be moving. She sits on her hands and needs and keeps rocking herself back and forth! I imagine this next month will be it. I bet she will be crawling before she turns 8 months.

Sidney still doesn't have any teeth. I thought this morning, that I may have seen a slight little white barely showing on her bottom, but I'm not 100% sure.
 For a week now she has been wearing an amber teething necklace.  It is made from Baltic sea amber. When warmed against the skin, the amber releases succinic acid, an all-natural anti-inflammatory with antibiotic and pain-relieving properties. So it helps with her teething pain.
 Many people think they are just hoaxes. But I think it works and I think it seems to be helpful. She has already stopped "chewing" on her lips/tongue like she has done previously and like Kylie did all the way through her teething. She is also just less cranky in the evenings, so I am sold that it must be working.

Sidney weighs about 16 pounds still. I find this to be surprising since she weighed 16 pounds a month ago. I thought she would way more than that since she is on a pooping hiatus again. She has pooped 2 times in the last couple of weeks. I just bought her some prunes, to hopefully remedy that situation.

She is also 26.5 inches, maybe. I could not get her to cooperate with getting measured today. But that seemed pretty close. She has been growing about half an inch each month lately, so that should be pretty close. :)

She is still pretty bad about being fed with a spoon. So, she hasn't had as much food as most 7 month olds usually eat. She discovered cheerios and puffs this past weekend. She did pretty good feeding herself. I may have to just really finely chop some very ripe fruit/veggies and just let her feed herself.
I think she would like that better anyways.
Oh - and we got a high chair!! Thanks to Mike's grandpa!! His family brought it out to us this past weekend. It is a beautiful wooden high chair and I am so glad we were able to receive it!

She is such an amusing little girl. She has quite the shy attitude as well. She will still give people a little smile as she turns her head down, so you can't see her face. She is usually quite vocal and makes the cutest little trills sometimes.

Here are a couple pictures from today!

My big girl.

Refusing to let things be and sit still for pictures.

Standing with her blue chair!
We are looking forward to seeing what she will learn this next month!

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