Monday, April 29, 2013

A Family Gathering - Part 3

UPDATED: More photos added to end!


Sunday was Sidney's baptism. It was promising to be a good day weather wise, when we headed into town.

I had every good intention to make the cake for Sidney's luncheon. My whole Sunday morning was thrown off when I forgot to grease the cake pan so that I could take the cake out of the pan to frost it.

My mom came to the rescue and came out and made the frosting for me. After piecing the cake back together and getting it all done it looked alright. You couldn't even tell it was in multiple pieces after it was frosted. Thankfully! :) It seemed to taste alright too!

It looked a Whole Lot like Kylie's cake did. That was just bad planning on my part though.

The whole baptism went well too. Mike and I joined the church by answering a few questions before we started Sidney's baptism.

I was terrified she would scream her head off once I passed her off to Pastor Green.


She didn't make a peep. I was so excited. She did squeal and whine a little the entire time I held her, but that was ok.

It was a wonderful experience and I am so glad that we did it.

I have no photos from the moment because I used our camera to take video of it. Soooooo - those of you reading this that were there and took pictures - I would like some! :) Please?

After church we headed back out to the "farm" for lunch. The wind really picked up so we moved to the side of the house. After a couple of hours there, we decided to take it back to the hotel. It would be a little nicer inside somewhere (our house is not large enough to accommodate that many people!) and people could just relax at the hotel before leaving this morning.

We opened the gifts that Sidney received and the girls got some more pool time. Then some more play and snuggle time with family.

Sidney was going to have some bananas for supper, but then decided to throw her jar on the floor and shatter it. She then got to discover what Cheerios are and seemed to approve of them. :)

Overall, it was a great weekend. I am pretty sure everyone is exhausted. At least I know that I am. Kylie seems to be exhausted as well. (She took a nap today!)

Sidney has decided that after being held all weekend, she doesn't want to be put down at all today. I imagine she will get over that fairly quickly though.

I hope everyone is having good traveling weather home and hopefully we will see you all again soon!

Here are a few pictures from Sunday.

Sidney with her Godparents,
Uncle Chris and Aunt Rachel

Everyone who came out to join us

chilling on the side of the house, so it wouldn't
be so chilly

Her cake. Now imagine, the cross on the right side,
the date on the bottom and the words "Kylie Jean" where
the cross is, and you would have Kylie's baptism cake

Hanging out at the hotel
Mike, Chris & Kylie

Sidney's way of helping open presents

Chris and Sidney with her new toy


Swim time with Katie!

Kylie helping give Sidney a push around the pool

My side of the family

Grandma & Grandpa Reger with the girls
Kylie is VERY tired!

Kylie and Elise

Grandma & Grandpa Mattmiller with Sidney
(If anyone has a better pic, or a pic with both
girls with them, will you email it to me?)

Reading a book!
On another note - if anyone has a good pic of the Mattmiller family from when we did pics at the church, I would also like one of those. And if you have a good picture of Mike, me and the girls on the hotel couch from Sunday night, I would like one of those too!
And feel free to send any other cute pictures too! I didn't take nearly enough pictures this past weekend!!

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