Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rolling Over, Standing Tall & Happy Eating!

Here are a few pics from the last week.

Sidney finally rolled back to tummy - the morning of the 1st. She then did it once last night when she was reaching for a toy! So I actually saw it happen!

I didn't put her in like this!
Sidney has also gotten real good at pulling herself up. She did it in her crib again the other day and then did yesterday on her toy box. She then proceeded to pull toys out. I am pretty sure she doesn't realize that she can sit down again, because she stood there for a loooong time and then started fussing for some help. :)
Standing in her crib again

So proud of herself!

giving me a "profile" shot :)
Sidney has gotten sooo much better at eating this past week. I am very grateful for that! She is in her high chair and I am going to pretend that that is the reason she is eating!
I finally found a food today that she is excited about eating! (or she was just starving at lunch today!)
Normally, it takes a lot of work to get a spoon in her mouth. But today she approached the spoon with an open mouth and devoured her pears quite quickly!
She has also become a puff hoarder. If there is more than two on the tray, she will grasp them all in her hands and then can't for the life of her figure out where they all went. :)
Prune face and handful of puffs
(we are avoiding prunes for a while, because I think the
bumps she got on her face this week were from the prunes!)

"Yea pears!"
Not much else happened this week. Kylie has been pretty low key and I forgot the camera for both library and play group this week. So no new pics of her really.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

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