Friday, May 17, 2013

Ladybugs and A Sandbox

Kylie loves everything and anything to do with ladybugs for some reason. Thankfully we seem to have hoards of them in our yard. She enjoys it greatly!
To her surprise and delight, library hour this past Wednesday was all about ladybugs! There were a couple of stories about them and then they sang "5 little ladybugs jumping on the bed" and then the kids got to make a ladybug.
Here are a couple photos of her project.

gluing the head on

gluing on the spots
The final ladybug
Only getting a real smile by getting tickled by a friend
After library we went and bought some sand. Last fall we bought one of those turtle sandboxes from a local up-cycle site for our town. Kylie has been asking for sand ever since. We also picked up a couple of sandbox toys and we set up the sandbox in the afternoon. She was pretty excited. I also put Sidney in to see what she thought of the sand. She was a little confused and had to be stopped multiple times from eating the sand. :)
Here are a couple pics of the girls in their new sandbox.

so focused. :)


So happy to have made a sand castle

Gotta love the turtle eyes.... :)

Sidney's reaction to the sand. :)

Just before she tried to eat it.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

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