Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sidney's Busy Week

Sidney has been very busy this week already.

She started crawling on Sunday evening! I of course missed the first crawl, (I ran to town for a min) but she has been crawling ever since!

Mike was so nice and tried to video tape her first crawl, but I forgot to put the memory card back into the camera after uploading pictures and he didn't know where I had put it! :)

Sidney has now proved that she is good at crawling because today she spent a little bit of time crawling all over the kitchen. I don't think anything is safe on my bottom food storage shelf anymore. Same goes for all the board games in the living room. Time to reorganize!

On Monday morning, Sidney also figured out how to finally sit up all by herself! She went from lying on her back to sitting up. She had a "pretty proud of herself" look on her face after she that! :)
She has done it a few times since then, and I found her sitting up in her crib this evening after she took a short nap. Time to lower that mattress!

This past weekend her second tooth also broke through! So now she has her two bottom teeth. Even though the first one is still barely up.

So she got her first tooth about a week later than Kylie got her first tooth and she crawled a week sooner than Kylie did. But they were both crawling before 8 months.

Sidney pulls her self up on everything now and I think I saw her take a couple steps along the couch. Or she could have just been reaching - I'm not sure!
I think she will be walking before Kylie did though. That girl wants so badly to be moving!

I am hoping to have a chance to catch her on video this week to share with you soon!

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