Friday, May 31, 2013

8 Months

Another month has gone by. Sidney is now 8 months old.

She can now sit up by herself, pull herself up, roll over both ways and crawl like a speedy little turtle. :)

She still only has two teeth that are still working their way all the way up. I am getting very curious as to when those are going to come all the way through.

She has figured out that she can move around in her crib and she can be found in an array of positions these days. I have forgotten what it is like to be that flexible! :)

She loves to smile and talk and has developed a sort of small grunt way of speaking these days. She is still super shy around other people and still has a VERY strong preference for me. Mike and I were joking the other day it is because she spent an extra 3 days inside and that has caused her extreme attachment to me. :)

I had to take her in to the clinic two days ago because she had spent the previous 3 nights not sleeping and all day Monday tugging on her ear. She had a slight ear infection. After just one day of antibiotics, she slept like a champ Tuesday night. It was fabulous. :)

Her weight on Tuesday was 16lbs 5 oz. She is now between 27.25 and 27.5 inches. So she is definitely starting to lean out and have more of a build like Kylie. She is the same weight Kylie was at 8 months, but just a smidge taller.

Here are some 8 month pictures from our little photo shoot yesterday. - as evidence of the following pictures, she does not sit still very much anymore! :)

The only photo of her sitting still
Coming to get me




Got me!
I love that her mouth is open all the way across the living room. She then proceeded to crawl over me to get to her blue chair and play with it. :) - (you can also tell in the last picture that her teeth aren't even through enough to really see!)


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