Saturday, March 30, 2013

6 months!

Sidney is 6 months old today! Oh My!

We just can't believe she is that old. She has quite the little personality to share, but acts sooo shy around people. Giving them little smirks and then turning her head away. It cracks everyone up.
She has also started her separation anxiety. There are times I can't even step out of the room with out her crying bloody murder. And don't get me started on other people holding her. I hope she gets over that in a month! :)

She still doesn't want to roll from back to tummy, but she will still randomly roll from tummy to back. She sits fabulously now and loves to see things from that point of view. She is getting braver when it comes to reaching for things. She will completely bend in half to grab for things out of reach. Then amazes us when she can sit right back up. She gets very upset though if she can't reach it, or ends up pushing it away herself. :)

There are no teeth yet. She just chews on anything and everything. At this point, I hope she just gets them all at once and gets it over with. She seems to get so miserable in the afternoon/evening and I can tell it is her gums bothering her, just by the faces she makes.

Sidney weighs a whopping 17 pounds (as measured on our scale) and is 26.25 inches tall. She is getting so big! Her 6 month check up in on April 2nd, so I'll give you possibly more accurate numbers then with some percentile numbers as well.

I was hoping the weather would cooperate today to do some outside photos since it was almost 70 degrees the last two days. It didn't. It was raining all morning and was quite windy this afternoon.
So, I attempted our photo shoot inside. I am in the process of learning more photography skills, so I may alter some more photos and post them later. Here are a few photos though.
She got a beautiful dress in the mail the other day, so I took advantage of it and did a dressed up photo shoot too. :)
She was way to cute for her own good. Except, we couldn't for the life of us get her to smile when she was all dressed up!

Her favorite face to make....tongue out!

Look at these cool beads!

So Pretty!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and enjoys the rest of the weekend!


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