Saturday, March 30, 2013

A splishy splashy egg hunt

A couple weeks ago we read in the paper that the new aquatic center in town was going to hold an egg hunt in the pool. We kept this info to ourselves because deep down we knew Kylie would really want to do it.

Well, a few days ago Kylie heard a commercial for it on the radio and immediately started begging to go play in the pool. Kylie, Sidney & I went to the new center on Thursday to check it out and see if she would be able to do it. We weren't sure yet if Mike was working today or not, so we needed to know if I had to be in the water with her. (Mike isn't working today!) Either way though, it would have been alright. The section for the 3-6 year olds only goes up to 2 feet. I had to go in the water with her, but I didn't really need to get too wet.

So, long story short.....we got her a ticket to do the egg hunt.
And it ended up being a complete and udder MESS.

I know it was the first egg hunt they have had....but it was sooooo completely unorganized.
We got there and had to stand outside until it was 1:00. Then they let people in and had we had to each check in with our ticket and then we could go into the pool area. (it was limited to 100 kids...thankfully! But it should have been limited to about 75 MAX)

I had Sidney in the backpack carrier and Mike stayed on the side with the camera. The next thing I know a whistle gets blown and everyone takes off into the pool. Needless to say, she was just trying to get everyones attention. Well, after a complete mess and me getting wet up to my belly and Sidney get her legs wet, me pulling a little girl back to shallow area 'cause she couldn't touch, and Kylie getting a mere 3 eggs.....everyone had to put the eggs back and we all had to wait to start all over.
I handed Sidney off to Mike and went and changed into my suit.
The second go round was still mess. Kylie got 11.5 eggs. There were special golden eggs in there for special prizes, but the older kids tackled everyone in order to get those.
After we were done, Kylie got to trade in her eggs for a little baggie of toys.
She got to swim afterwards and I even put Sidney in her suit so she could play in the water.
Both girls enjoyed that part.

I have no intentions of ever doing that again.
And if you were wondering...the water went to about 4 feet deep, not 2.

But here are a couple pics from the chaos.

She sure is excited for this!

I'm getting very wet!

First round of eggs

our second round attempt
Her bag of toys after handing in her eggs.
She was happy with the result. :)
having a mild meltdown after falling under the water.
Sidney looking completely unenthused with the water.
She really did have a good time though.
Another painful expression, but enjoying the water spouts
dripping all over. :)

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a time we took the kids to a Marshmallow drop for Easter. Same sort of thing happened. The parents were told to stay behind the rope in a large circle while the kids went inside after the helicopter dropped the marshmallows. Well, all the parents, not us though, all ran into the circle with the kids. We couldn't see our kids. I was down on my hand and knees watching Amber's socks because she had crazy socks on. Amber grabbed her cousin Madison's hand and held on for dear life. Tristan found my brother who is 6'7" tall and made his way to him. Needless to say, we were all very panicked. We just couldn't believe how the adults couldn't listen. If every one had stayed behind the rope, everyone could have seen their children just fine. Was just plain crazy. Glad it all worked out in the end and Kylie got some eggs and they got to splash in the water.
