Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day Treasure Hunt

While finding something to do for fun today I discovered a St. Patty's Day themed treasure hunt.
This was a last minute idea, so Kylie's "Pot of Gold" at the end was just a drawing of a pot of gold and a bag of skittles.
Kylie had a blast doing it, but did it soooo fast that she was a little bummed when it was over.
She also did it so fast, I didn't get very many good pics of the whole treasure hunt. :)

Looking for a clue
"Look under a big chair, if you dare."

(this was meant for a bigger house, that has a hall.)
This is our version of a hall. :)

Looking where she "rests her head"

Even Sidney was a clue (she was riding in the baby backpack)
She was the only other green shirt we had available!
"Look, I found a clue!"
Found another clue
The end result....Kylie's "Pot of Gold"
-where food gets really cold

Here is a link to the blog that I found the treasure hunt on:

I think next year I will do something similar since both girls will be mobile, and I will be prepared with a real pot of gold!!

Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's Day!!

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