Sunday, October 13, 2013

Worland VFD pancake feed

Yesterday the local VFD had their annual pancake feed, for free, to thank the community for their support. We went last year when Sidney was just a few weeks old, so we decided to go again.
She got to enjoy the pancakes and sausage this year, and got to play on the fire trucks while Kylie went for a ride in one of the trucks all by herself.

Here are some pictures from it.

enjoying pancake

waiting in line for her turn
all buckled up, ready to go
Enjoying the fire trucks
She thought it was so much fun to just sit
on random spots of the trucks
In a seat...that smile never left her face. :)
Playing with axes......starting her young.
(don't fret....they had covers on them!)
Kylie's truck coming back
So happy after the ride
checking out a seat in a truck

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