Monday, October 28, 2013

Spoons, Outside Fun and Library Hour

Last week I let Sidney use a spoon a couple of times to eat her oatmeal. She did pretty good. I was impressed! She was also pretty excited about the whole concept too!

It was also warm enough last week to spend some time outside! It had been awhile since we actually played out in the yard. Sidney even did a great job when we went for a (short) walk. From the house to the starting edge of the field near our house, (the end of the big metal shop, for those of you who have been here).
Sidney is just like her big sister and just like certain other family members and seems to have a love for rocks.....*sigh*. I guess I better make more room for the rock collection that Kylie already has spread out on the porch!
And I just realized, I have no pictures of Kylie to add for this outside part. Oops!

Last week at story hour at the library, a man from the local bee/honey making place came to talk to the kids about bees and honey.
It was pretty neat. The kids got to see a beekeeper outfit, see some wax, a giant jar of honey and the coolest part....a queen bee. He brought it along in a little cage and passed it around for everyone to see. The kids found that to be pretty awesome. The kids thought he was a little silly when he was teaching them the bee dance and started shaking his booty at the kids, trying to get them to shake their booties too. It was pretty funny.
He also made the kids day when he gave them each a couple sticks of honey to eat. Kylie was pretty stoked and we then went home and made peanut butter and honey toast for lunch. :)

Can't see her, but I promise, she is in there.

Loving her honey stick!

Sidney was also pretty sick Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday. She had a fever for three days and napped for just over 5 hours on Saturday. She woke up perfectly fine this morning though! Thankfully! I've had a head cold since Friday, and Kylie caught it yesterday. Hopefully we both get over it soon! Even Mike wasn't feeling well yesterday and today. Hopefully we are getting this out of our systems before our 2 month vacation and we aren't sick while we are back home!!  9 days until we leave! - wow...I better get to work organizing some serious packing I think......4 people, gone from home for 2 months....hmmm. This might take some serious planning on the packing part!

Anyways - Hope you all had a great weekend and your week is off to a good start! Can't wait to get pictures of the girls in the Halloween costumes later this week!

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