Sunday, October 13, 2013

Random pics

Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday afternoon when it wasn't too cold out.
While we were outside making supper, we also saw a fox out in the field next to the house. We got pretty close to it too, before it finally noticed us, and took off.


Trying to climb the slide in socks...
it wasn't working out too well for her

Happy girl with her mismatched gloves.
Hoping it isn't too cold later this week, so that we can hit up the local corn maze and pumpkin patch. Looking forward to seeing Sidney in the corn maze, at 12.5 months. I still remember taking Kylie through one in Oregon when she was 13.5 months. It was fun. :)
I have a couple more posts to upload later and then I should be all caught up. Sorry to bombard you today! :)
Hope you all have a fabulous week!

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