Monday, June 20, 2016

Mattmiller Vaca -South Dakota Tour - Part 1

After restocking our bags and Mike's parents packing all their things up (they were heading home from SD), we headed up to Keystone, SD.

The girls on our way up to Keystone. They both loved riding in the minivan we rented for the week!
So much space!

First order of business was a trip through Bear Country USA. It was a really nice drive through it because it was a little cooler, so all the bears were a little more active. We had to take a five minute break when we first pulled into the parking lot towards the end since it started raining, but thankfully, it let up quick and we were able to go see all the little animals.

I took a RIDICULOUS amount of I will try to post as few as possible....but I might make this a 3 part series instead of 2 parts.....we'll see. :)


Baby Reindeer - it's ok, you can say "awww" at the incredible cute
baby reindeer

another baby reindeer with momma


BigHorn Sheep

little baby sheep blending in with momma

Play time

Bath time

Snack time

Timber Wolf

Fight time

It took me a moment at first to figure out what on earth
were those two red things rolling around and digging in the corner....

Just REALLY Dirty badgers!

Sleeping bobcat

There was one lynx that was a little worked up and was
doing everything it could to try to look up and out past where we were standing...
never figured out what it was trying to find.

awww, baby bears!

This little one took his time getting down to go get supper.

Running back up tree after they ate.


arctic fox

Took a picture of Kylie taking a picture. :)

These two little guys put on quite the little roll around show for us. :)

I mean, just look at their cuteness! of ALL the bear country photos I took, I only edited 45 of them....and only managed to pare it down to 32 for the post.....yikes....sorry. but those little guys are just so cute!

Next two photos are of views of the remains of a fire that Mike was on for a couple days....

 There were some really cool storm clouds that would build up in the late afternoon/evenings every night. Here is one that was building just East of Rapid City.

So next post will be from the 1880's train, and Crazy Horse. And then I will finish the vaca posts with Reptile Garden pictures!

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