Sunday, June 19, 2016

Mattmiller Vaca -Nebraska Tour - Part 2

After leaving Sidney, we spent a lot of time on the road between stops.

Our first stop was at some Buffalo Bill place I think, but it was a very tiny museum with a giant backyard all behind a giant book store. They were mowing the back yard so we couldn't really look at any of the things back there, so we spent a couple minutes looking at the history stuff, and then most of the time was spent waiting for the girls to pick out which book they wanted. :)

Our second stop was also in North Platte. It was the Train Museum. They had a retired steam train that they turned into a museum. It was pretty neat to look at. At that same place they also had a number of animals within some fences, that people could feed. Plus a number of loose peacocks that just roamed the park. It was kinda neat and the girls loved it.

This is what they used to ride to check on the tracks...the pick up trucks
these days look much more pleasant.

Feeding the llamas

getting more food!

albino peacock

Kylie jumped up to throw over a piece of food just
as I went to take the picture.

After our stop in North Platte, we headed North to go to the Halsey Ranger Station to drive by and see the forest's nursery and see the fire tower there.

Heading up!

Going down

On a search for the perfect pinecones.

At the end of day 2 we tried to squeeze in one more place. Smith Falls State Park.
The girls were looking forward to seeing a waterfall all day long. :)
After being mildly confused as to where on earth this waterfall was, we eventually found it and were surprised at how neat it looked.

the girls trying to catch up to those of us who went ahead.

Smith Falls

Sidney sat down and proceeded to just stare at it.
Mike had to reassure her that we will come back and try to
camp there this summer....
She then thought we were going home right then to pick up our camping stuff, and
set it up. She wasn't too amused to find out that he meant later this summer, not later that night. :)

The falls and creek  go out to this big river.

It was pretty late after we got done there, so we grabbed a quick meal and decided that we needed to just stay in Valenting that night. So we did and drove home to Chadron on Wednesday. We ate lunch there and restocked our bag so we could head up to SD to start our adventures there!

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