Monday, June 20, 2016


 The last weekend in May we picked up the girls some new fishing rods. They had kept arguing over who was going to have to use the old mickey mouse rod we originally bought for Kylie a few years ago, and who was going to get a new one. We gave up and just let them each pick out a new one.

So they spent the rest of that afternoon practicing their casting. They were getting pretty good at it. Sidney even got hers over the fence and into the neighbors yard once. And she managed to only put it over a wire (a not live wire) to the house, twice. :)

I brought the cats out for some outside time and they had a blast chasing the little rubber fish as the girls reeled them in. :)

Terra was really tired after all that chasing.

 The next day we took the girls out to the city ponds. We hadn't gone fishing around here yet, and we had heard good things about the ponds, so we thought we'd give it a shot.

Sidney's little baby fish. :)

Kylie letting a fish go.

can barely see our bobbers

Sidney just wanted to hold one for a second...then
gave it right back to dad!

Kylie caught the first fish, and Mike got a picture of her
on his phone.

Kylie caught the only perch. A small one. Then between all of us we caught another 7 fish. All bluegills. And only 1 or 2 kinda worth keeping, so we didn't keep any. But we caught enough at a decent pace to keep the girls entertained!

Hopefully we can take them out again soon and try out a different place!

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