Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fun at the new house

We have been at our new house for a week now! I finally unpacked my clothes the other night and am no longer living out of the suitcases. Mike is still living out of some boxes and a duffel bag...but that is his problem. :)
I'm still not quite done in the kitchen and the office is still quite a mess, but it'll get there soon I think. I taught Joy School this past week, so I was pretty busy prepping stuff for class and didn't unpack much. This week, Kylie gets to go to Bridger's house, so I will have a few hours to hopefully accomplish some more unpacking. The girls' room and the two play areas were set up and ready with in a day or two of moving in, since I needed them ready for school. So the girls have pretty much been at home since day one. We also got the swing set up right away and they have loved that, and the nice weather has been very helpful too! Sadly, it is suppose to snow tonight. Hopefully it will melt right away!

Here are a few pictures from moving weekend and our first week here.

Dolly rides with Grandma Carol

snuggles with momma, kylie nursing an owie from something

Yummy fish

Sidney and Grandpa Mark

The girls sucked into Turner and Hooch
coloring a stump with chalk

look! a stick!

Playing at the park

How many big kids does it take to push one little lady? :)

Sidney "mowing" like daddy, and Kylie scootering her little
heart out

Mowing together
Glad we were able to get most of the yard taken care of the last couple of days before the snow comes tonight. Mike even got one side of the garage cleaned up so I could put my car in there. Thanks hunny!
Looking forward to spending this next week getting ready for Easter!

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