Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Soccer - Game Two

It has been insanely windy and chilly here the last three days. And thankfully today should be the end of it, otherwise I may freak out a little. I need those warm temps and the sun please!

We totally thought that Kylie's soccer game was going to be cancelled last night since it was sooo windy and it was raining on and off. They cancelled the high school game, but NOT the U6 teams....crazy!

Anyways, they only played a half game and still got their butts kicked. :) But Kylie did so much better this time, with the one exception of kicking the ball the wrong way at one point. :) She actually got her feet on the ball a little more and made a couple of blocks.

Here are my obligatory photos of my first child in a sport:

Her lack of enthusiasm kicking the ball out is something we are going to work on.

It was COLD!

I don't know how it happened, but I find it kinda neat that the only thing in focus
is her head and shirt....

getting the ball!
The wind is exceptionally loud!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Kite Flying Fun

Kylie got a new kite in her Easter basket and spent a good chunk of Sunday night flying it in the yard. The wind was perfect for it. Sadly the wind hasn't been perfect since, but she keeps asking to fly it.

Here are a couple of pictures and a couple of videos from Sunday night. :)

BIG Lollipop!

This is delicious!

my little mini-me

Flying her kite

She could totally be a toddler model. :) So chic. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


A couple weeks ago we signed Kylie up for the spring soccer club here in town.

Last week we found out what team she is on and who the coach is, and she had her first practice last Tuesday. She is on the BLUE team, and she has 6 or 7 teammates. It is kinda hard to have a practice when the team is made up of mostly 4 year olds, but the coach had them practice passing the ball back and forth and they each got a couple chances at kicking goals.

Kylie did pretty good. She would occasionally get distracted and want to look at us for our attention, and not pay attention to the coach or where the ball was going, but she has got a pretty good kick! I imagine if she likes it enough and keeps playing, she could be pretty good at it!

She only has 6 games, and we will miss her Saturday game when they play against a team from Ten Sleep, but she will have 5 Tuesday games to play. I think that will be enough to keep her interested in it, but not wear her out. :)
The soccer U6 rules say that there are no goalies, and they don't keep score, so it doesn't really matter how good the kids are.

I tried to take a couple pics of her at practice, but I just had my phone so they aren't any good.

Tonight was her first game though.

It was....interesting. I think the team they played against had a few more practices. They don't actually keep score, but Kylie's team totally lost. :) They all had a blast though and that is point. :)

Here are some pictures from the game tonight. I tried to take video of the game, but they would always kick it out of bounds in less than 30 seconds. :)

Waiting for the whistle to kick it in

Clapping for the Blue Team

Waiting for the whistle again to kick it in

Sidney being crazy

She looks so excited to kick it! :)

Juice boxes and fruit snacks all around for a job well done! :)
She has got to stop waving to us... :)
Her next game is next Tuesday. Looking forward to it!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Egg Hunt

For church yesterday morning everyone was suppose to bring a flower to put on a cross at the front of the church to represent the renewal of life. It turned out quite beautiful.

If you wanted to, you could also bring home one of the Easter Lilies that were in the front of the church. I grabbed one, and in the end decided I shouldn't have, for two reasons. One...we walked to church that day and I had to carry it home, and two - I've decided I do not like the way they smell. It is SO pungent. yuck. :)

What a good looking family!

Anyways, while the girls ate lunch I ran outside quick to hide some eggs. I think there was 49 or some odd number like that. :) Some were filled with candy, most filled with those little grow in warm water creatures, and then there were 6 big empty eggs (3 per girl) that they could trade in for a couple bigger prizes. They had a blast. I think the egg hunt was my favorite part of the day. :)

I love her wind swept hair she has going on here.


After that, Sidney took a nap, Kylie watched the movie Hop and Mike and I got to work on supper preparations. A few of his seasonals have started already and were alone for Easter so Mike invited them over to eat with us. After a big supper and some yummy dessert the boys went out to play ladder golf for awhile, the girls ran around causing chaos, and I supervised. :)

It was a wonderful day and we hope that you all have a wonderful Easter as well. We sure missed you all though!

Easter Baskets and Breakfast

After the girls woke up they got to look for their baskets. Sidney was not in the mood whatsoever to look for hers. So, we pretty much put her in front of it and let Kylie bring it out for her. Kylie had to actually look for hers, and we actually have a big house for her to look around in this year. She found it pretty quick though.

mostly focused on getting the candy out of the eggs

the look of pure joy when she saw this giant lollipop

munching on some sweet tarts. :)

For breakfast we had pancakes and bacon and I saw a cute idea, on pintrest of course, on making a bunny out of pancakes. I had fun making it, and Kylie had fun eating it. Sidney was too impatient to wait for all the pieces, so she had regular pancakes. :)

Easter Eggs and Bunny Bread

The girls and I spent Friday afternoon dying eggs. It was Sidney's first experience dying eggs, and she had a blast! All our hands were filthy by the end of it, but it eventually wore off by Saturday night. I think the girls could have dyed another dozen or more eggs, but I don't think we would be able to eat all of them.

Sidney excited about her eggs!

Kylie's sticker-filled eggs

Sunday morning Kylie and I tackled a bunny shaped bread and it turned out alright. Kylie saw the idea on Pinterest as I was scrolling through one night and got pretty excited about it. I never really noticed how small it actually is though. It was meant to be sort of an appetizer type item, but we used it as our actually bread, and no one seemed to complain about it. :)

shaping the bread


finished baking :)
Poor bunny lost the paper to one of its eyes
so it looks like it lost one eye. :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Easter Bunny

Shopko had the Easter Bunny at their store Saturday morning and I thought it would be fun to take the girls there to see him.

Needless to say, it wasn't the best idea. Kylie stood by him, but wouldn't touch him and would barely speak to him. Sidney just cried. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. She didn't even enjoy me holding her and standing next to him. She did enjoy the Annie's brand bunny shaped fruit snacks she got out of the terrifying ordeal though. :)


As close as she would get to the funny bunny. :)

And a terrified Sidney.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kylie Rides her bike!!

Kylie got this bike a good year and a half ago from Mike's grandparents and she would try every now and then to riding it, but just couldn't quite get the hang of it. I don't know if she was too weak to push the pedals, or if trying to learn on a gravel road was her problem.
Either way, she totally figured it out on her own this morning! She isn't perfect yet, but she is doing great!
Here are a couple videos of her from this morning. :)

Fun at the new house

We have been at our new house for a week now! I finally unpacked my clothes the other night and am no longer living out of the suitcases. Mike is still living out of some boxes and a duffel bag...but that is his problem. :)
I'm still not quite done in the kitchen and the office is still quite a mess, but it'll get there soon I think. I taught Joy School this past week, so I was pretty busy prepping stuff for class and didn't unpack much. This week, Kylie gets to go to Bridger's house, so I will have a few hours to hopefully accomplish some more unpacking. The girls' room and the two play areas were set up and ready with in a day or two of moving in, since I needed them ready for school. So the girls have pretty much been at home since day one. We also got the swing set up right away and they have loved that, and the nice weather has been very helpful too! Sadly, it is suppose to snow tonight. Hopefully it will melt right away!

Here are a few pictures from moving weekend and our first week here.

Dolly rides with Grandma Carol

snuggles with momma, kylie nursing an owie from something

Yummy fish

Sidney and Grandpa Mark

The girls sucked into Turner and Hooch
coloring a stump with chalk

look! a stick!

Playing at the park

How many big kids does it take to push one little lady? :)

Sidney "mowing" like daddy, and Kylie scootering her little
heart out

Mowing together
Glad we were able to get most of the yard taken care of the last couple of days before the snow comes tonight. Mike even got one side of the garage cleaned up so I could put my car in there. Thanks hunny!
Looking forward to spending this next week getting ready for Easter!