Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Not much has been going on this last week.
Both girls have been fighting a nasty cold, so we have been staying low key.
The cows in the back field are calving and we are up to at least 5 calves. There is at least one more to come, because I saw a VERY pregnant cow this morning.
Kylie is still enjoying school and library hour each week. This week one of the stories read at the library was a book called Sleepy Bear Sleepy Bear ...... Similar to Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see?
After the story the kids got to make their own sleep bear puppets.
Here is Kylie and her puppet
Here is Kylie looking at some books at the library
I love how much she loves books!
Sidney hasn't been up to much. We are working on her sitting, and she managed to sit on her own for a good 10 seconds the other day. Haven't caught a pic of it yet, but here are a couple random pics of her from the last couple of days.
I love her face in this picture!

Working hard to get that toy!
She has also re-discovered how to blow raspberries & has been enjoying her time spitting on everything in site. :)
Hope everyone has been enjoying their week!

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