Monday, February 18, 2013

Making News

Library last week consisted of some singing/dancing to "Five Little Valentines Jumping on the Bed", reading a story and then decorating sugar cookies. Kylie was a huge fan of the sugar cookie eating part!
The newspaper was there again snapping pictures and Kylie got in one of the pictures.
For some reason my camera won't take a picture of the newspaper picture without putting swirly lines through it. Anyone have any thoughts on that? I know my camera is old and I need a new one, but I don't know if there is another setting I could try or something. Or just buy a new camera - We're working on that.
Anyways, here is the best photo I could take of her, and now that I look at it, this one doesn't have the swirlies I was talking about.
 The girl to her left is Carli. Carli and her mother and sister were one of the first families we met when we moved here. They go to the playgroup that we go to.

Hope everyone is enjoying their President's Day!

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