Monday, December 28, 2015

November Catch Up

November was pretty low key.

Kylie got sick the first weekend and pretty much stayed sick the whole month. There was a cough thing going around here that lasts for weeks. She conveniently caught it, then gave it to her little sister a week later. We sucked it up and dealt with it, but the Tuesday night before thanksgiving Kylie came down with a fever and kept it, so we took her in on Wednesday. They couldn't really pin point anything, so he said let it ride out and if she keeps it to bring her back in. Well, on Friday she still had a fever, so we brought her back in and the doctor just straight up gave her some antibiotics. A couple days later she was good as new. :)
Sidney eventually got over her cough at the end of November. But our Thanksgiving was really quiet since Kylie felt pretty tired and miserable.

November also had deer hunting. Both Mike and I got a tag, but I've never hunted on public land and I was in for a surprise! The amount of people (out of staters!) that were out where we were hunting was unbelievable! Opening day we saw lots of deer, I just sadly couldn't get a good shot at any of them. :(

Mike and I tried some road hunting the following week with Sidney while Kylie was at school. :) But we weren't able to see anything.
The second weekend, the girls stayed with a family friend again while we went out for the evening. It was really cold and full of different from opening day; which was 60 degrees and sunny!
Mike saw a few, but couldn't get a shot. So we were starting to think the season would end with no deer. :(
But the last day of the season, Mike went out alone and was able to get a great sized doe. Yay! So with his WY deer and this one, we were able to get some good meat in our freezer!

Other than the kids being sick and deer season, nothing really happened in November. So here are just a bunch of random pictures from my phone. :)

I'm not sure what was going on here.....

all decked out in her play kitchen garb to help cook supper

Farm Dominoes!

On her way to dance class

watching the first snow fall

tasting the first snow fall before school

making a tiny snowman

our view opening day deer season

the day our cats were almost me....

my view second weekend of deer season

you know you're tired, when you fall asleep on the floor with your foot backwards...

Ember being SO helpful as I wrapped books for the girls to
unwrap in December

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