Monday, December 28, 2015

Halloween 2015

Halloween went well this year.
We sadly had to get our pumpkins from the store. Hopefully we will find somewhere next year to go get some. We carved them the Wednesday before Halloween.

Jess's, Mike's, Sidney's, Kylie's
and we had the potato head witch pumpkin too.

On Halloween we had hot dog mummies for lunch, and our traditional homemade pizza for supper. :)

We weren't really sure where we were going to go trick or treating since we are surrounded by college kids, but we figured it out.

Kylie had her class party on Friday and loved it. Then Friday night there was a trunk or treat downtown on main street. It only took like 15 minutes, but they got some candy and we discovered Sidney isn't a fan of people who go all out with their costumes.  :)

Saturday night we drove over to the part of town where Kylie's teacher lived, since she invited the kids to stop at her place, and Kylie insisted that we do so. Then we just wandered down a couple nearby streets and then stopped over at Mike's boss' house.

The girls' buckets were quite full so we called it a night for trick or treating and headed out to a friends house just south of town for a little party he had going on since it was his birthday. The girls had a blast playing with abs pestering the teenage boys and were so made when it was time to go. They were so unbelievably exhausted, Sidney's eyes were rolling in the back of her head by the time we got back to town.

So glad that Sidney requested what she did, so we could just reuse Kylie's costume from when she was 3!

It was a fun Halloween and can't wait to see what the girls want to be next year!

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