Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Soccer Practice

Soccer started a few weeks ago and Kylie's coach scheduled a few practices before the games started. The games they play are only 30 min. and her coach had them practice for 45 min each time. A couple of the kids even told the coach that practice was too long. :) But it was good for them!

Here are some bad phone pictures from her practices. :)



Her games have started and they have had 3 so far since one was canceled due to weather.
She has 3 or 4 left before we move. She will miss the last two games since the season started later than it normally would.
She's been doing good this season. Much better than last year, just needs to not be so scared to get in there and get the ball from the other kids. :)

I'll get game pictures up soon along with some swimming lesson pics. :)

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