Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kylie turns Five!

Yesterday Kylie turned five! Wow. She was pretty excited when she woke up!

Which is good, because she was pretty bummed when she went to bed because Mike got called out for a fire down by Lander Sunday night. :( Thankfully, though, it was a little fire and he got to come home Monday and be home for all the festivities last night. :)

Sunday night, we made treats for her classmates. Now that she is in school, I wasn't mentally prepared that I had to do treats for her class! She helped make them all though and we had fun doing it. She has 16 kids in her class, so we made 20. Make sure the teachers got some too! Sunday, was another classmates of hers birthday, so they got to have two treats in class on Monday!
I went out and got little sauce-like containers that we filled with some frosting, mixed with sprinkles. Then we put that into a small plastic cup and filled the top with some shortbread-like letter cookies. Then stuck that all in a baggie and tied it off. I saw a version of this with animal crackers on Pinterest, but the shortbread type cookies tasted better with frosting. And what doesn't say third day of school, like letter cookies?!

Kylie said everyone liked them, so that is good enough for me!
After Sidney and I dropped her off at school, we got home and got to work on the Rainbow Cake that Kylie requested. While making it, I really didn't think it was going to be that big.......wrong. a six layer cake will always be big! Make sure you have at least a dozen people coming to the birthday to help eat all the cake! Not just your family of four, one being a toddler! We have lots of cake left. :)
But.....it was fun to make and looked fun too!
A WHOLE LOT of dirty dishes!

Finally done!
 Frosting all those little swirls on it, was quite a challenge. But I totally won.
Just before we left to go pick her up from school, I tied a bunch of balloons to the front steps as a little surprise for her when she got home. She was so excited. And loved that I threw a Frozen balloon in there too. 
Balloon Posing!
She opened tons of presents!!!
Thank you to everyone who sent her something! She loved everything and has played with all of it already! Sidney also loved everything and has appreciated all the new things too! :)

I took soo many pictures of her opening them......here are a few pictures of what she opened before we went out to eat.

I took this picture before Kylie got home, so I could
get a good picture of my rainbow and clouds background. :)

On our birthdays we get to pick what we are having for supper. Kylie chose McDonald's. She also really likes to eat out at restaurants, but we typically pick something up and bring it home when we do get something from a fast food place. So, for her birthday, we actually stayed out and ate at McDonald's.


When we got home, it was more presents and then cake time!
Here are lots of pictures! :)


This picture perfectly captures how they both felt last night, about everything that Kylie got.
I love it!


Cake Fabulousness!
Momma, hard at work. :)

Discussing her wonderful day.
Being insanely silly.
Working hard to put some of her new Lego's together.

Playing :)

Sidney was so mad when we told her she couldn't
play with Kylie's little Lego's.
So I got out the box of Duplo Lego's and she sat at the table and
played too. :)

Thanks again everyone! You all helped make her fifth birthday absolutely wonderful!
Love & miss you all!

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