Thursday, August 21, 2014


Oh my goodness! I can't believe she started kindergarten today!

She was so excited this morning! She practically ran to school this morning as Sidney and I walked her there. She learned where her lunch box goes, where her school supplies went, and where to hang her backpack.

She got to bring a stuffed bear to school today and will get to tell her classmates all about it. She brought in my old tooth fairy bear that I gave her. (it has little pockets you can put your lost tooth in, and the tooth fairy exchanges it out for some money) :)

Sidney was terrified I was going to leave her there, and wouldn't let me put her down. :) She then asked where Kylie was when we were leaving and almost sounded a little sad when I said was going to stay at school today.
But then Sidney stayed extra busy this morning terrorizing the church secretary's office as I learned how to do the bulletins, powerpoints, and newsletters, since our secretary is leaving for a different job and we don't have anyone to replace her yet.
I've had to keep reminding her that we will get Kylie from school later, and she sounds so excited to hear each time that Kylie will come back. :)

Poor daddy is on a big fire south of Worland and had to miss the fun this morning, but I took lots of pictures to share with him......and with you!




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