Monday, May 26, 2014

Soccer - Game 3

Last Tuesday night Kylie had another soccer game.

She was pretty excited for it, and also excited that we got to bring snack for the team after the game and that friends of ours, Margaret and Andy, were coming to watch her play. Their son, Mitchell, also came to watch her. She was pretty happy about all that.

Once we got there it was pretty easy to tell that this game was going to go pretty similar to her other games. They got their butts kicked. Another one of those, I lost track of how many goals the other team made already, type games.

 But in good news, our team did score one goal. And Kylie scored it!! She was so freaking excited and we were so proud of her! She pretty much smiled the rest of the night. :)

Didn't get too many pictures/videos this game. But here are a few.

Kicking the ball out

Running after the ball

I'm glad they all look happy while playing. :)

Waiting for the whistle to kick the ball back in.

Waiting again for the whistle

 Running after the ball she just kicked in.
I love this picture!
And then there was this cutie at the game too. :)

Kicking the ball around with Margaret after the game.
Here's a short video from during the game too.

Their last game is tomorrow night. She keeps asking if she is going to "win" again. I think it is cute that she thinks scoring a goal means they won. :) Hopefully it is at least a close game. :) 

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