Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid May Minnesota Stay

On Mother's day, my Grandma Inez passed away. Her funeral was on the 17th, so instead of going straight back to WY from WI to just turn around a couple days later and come back to MN, Mike just dropped us three girls off in MN at my other grandparent's house. Sadly, he had to keep trucking on back home because he had some work obligations he couldn't miss. We figured we would just figure out a way back home later that week.

Thankfully, my brother drove to MN from OR. So the three of us girls crammed into his car for the trip back and he dropped us off in Billings, MT on the 18th and Mike picked us up there.

So we just hung out for the week in Wadena before the funeral on Saturday.
Here are a bunch of pictures from our week home.

Sidney fell in love with this basket, and had to sit in it and bite it too

more teeter-tottering

running across the teeter-totter

four-wheeler rides with great-grandpa Lyman

oriole eating some grape jelly

helping great-grandpa work in the garden

getting seeds out of the package

out for a walk with grandpa

coming back in

pretty rose breasted grosbeak.....i'm very jealous of my grandma's birdies...

helping great-grandma Norma cook

taking a walk with grandma

helping grandpa load wood into the truck

taking a ride in the back of the truck

the girls after the funeral....Sidney's tights are already in the garbage...
Sibling shot

our best family shot
Sidney comfortable enough in Uncle Chris's car that she fell asleep

Kylie being silly and was so proud she got the cheerios to stick
to her fingertips. :)

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