Monday, May 26, 2014

Joy School, Pot Painting and Splashy Fun

Last week was the last class of Joy School. It was suppose to be two days last week, but half the class was going to be gone the last day so I just combined lessons and we just did one day. The also have in the lesson plans a review day and a graduation day. We decided to opt out of those. End the school year the same week regular school ends, and they are 4, they don't really need to graduate from anything....I am glad that it is over. Looking forward to the break from organizing lessons, but I know Kylie will miss school and I will miss the 4 hours a week of just Sidney time. :) But I am looking forward also to all the fun the three of us can have this summer! :)

 Three of the four Joy School students this spring.
Bridger, Kylie and Anyston
 They were only good for one photo....then the sun got to them....sigh
Last week we picked up some pots and potting soil. We have at least gotten my two spider plant babies planted and three other pots planted with some flower seeds to sit out front of the house. I have still neglected to plant the flower bed on the side of the garage and I think I am starting to run out of time to get it done! And this week is suppose to be in the upper 80s and low 90s....not sure if I will be spending much time outside!!

 She was pretty excited to
get her own plant to take care of. :)

A pink top with lots of poka-dots!
We filled it up and added a baby spider plant to it! :)
The other day I got out the little splash pad the girls have to play in. It has gotten pretty warm around here and they needed to cool off a little.
Pure Joy!

Getting a drink!

Soooo thirsty!

Water sliding!

Stuck the landing!

Sidney's turn!

Totally did NOT stick her landing! :)
But she brushed it right off and went down again!

Here are a couple of videos from the girls playing the other day.

Soccer - Game 3

Last Tuesday night Kylie had another soccer game.

She was pretty excited for it, and also excited that we got to bring snack for the team after the game and that friends of ours, Margaret and Andy, were coming to watch her play. Their son, Mitchell, also came to watch her. She was pretty happy about all that.

Once we got there it was pretty easy to tell that this game was going to go pretty similar to her other games. They got their butts kicked. Another one of those, I lost track of how many goals the other team made already, type games.

 But in good news, our team did score one goal. And Kylie scored it!! She was so freaking excited and we were so proud of her! She pretty much smiled the rest of the night. :)

Didn't get too many pictures/videos this game. But here are a few.

Kicking the ball out

Running after the ball

I'm glad they all look happy while playing. :)

Waiting for the whistle to kick the ball back in.

Waiting again for the whistle

 Running after the ball she just kicked in.
I love this picture!
And then there was this cutie at the game too. :)

Kicking the ball around with Margaret after the game.
Here's a short video from during the game too.

Their last game is tomorrow night. She keeps asking if she is going to "win" again. I think it is cute that she thinks scoring a goal means they won. :) Hopefully it is at least a close game. :) 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid May Minnesota Stay

On Mother's day, my Grandma Inez passed away. Her funeral was on the 17th, so instead of going straight back to WY from WI to just turn around a couple days later and come back to MN, Mike just dropped us three girls off in MN at my other grandparent's house. Sadly, he had to keep trucking on back home because he had some work obligations he couldn't miss. We figured we would just figure out a way back home later that week.

Thankfully, my brother drove to MN from OR. So the three of us girls crammed into his car for the trip back and he dropped us off in Billings, MT on the 18th and Mike picked us up there.

So we just hung out for the week in Wadena before the funeral on Saturday.
Here are a bunch of pictures from our week home.

Sidney fell in love with this basket, and had to sit in it and bite it too

more teeter-tottering

running across the teeter-totter

four-wheeler rides with great-grandpa Lyman

oriole eating some grape jelly

helping great-grandpa work in the garden

getting seeds out of the package

out for a walk with grandpa

coming back in

pretty rose breasted grosbeak.....i'm very jealous of my grandma's birdies...

helping great-grandma Norma cook

taking a walk with grandma

helping grandpa load wood into the truck

taking a ride in the back of the truck

the girls after the funeral....Sidney's tights are already in the garbage...
Sibling shot

our best family shot
Sidney comfortable enough in Uncle Chris's car that she fell asleep

Kylie being silly and was so proud she got the cheerios to stick
to her fingertips. :)

Payton's Baptism

On the 6th we packed up the car and headed East. We had planned to leave Wednesday morning, but it was suppose to snow on the mountain, so we decided we should avoid the mountain all together and just leave early. It worked out though since that gave us an extra travel day and we got to stop in MN for a night to visit my grandmother who was just moved to the nursing home.
We got to WI on Thursday, spent two nights at Mike's parents house, then spent at night at his grandpa's house in GreenBay. Had Payton's baptism on Sunday, spent one more night at Mike's parent's house, and headed back to MN on Monday. It was a quick and busy trip to WI, but it was great to see all that family again.

Here is a massive amount of pictures from that week of vacation.  - Some of the pictures are quite grainy....sorry about that!

Stories with great-grandma Norma on our way through Wadena

I love the look she is giving great-grandma Lyman here.

Where o where could they be?

getting dressed with great-aunt Gerri

I wonder where she gets that attitude from? :)

Holding her cousin Payton for the first time

Kylie put her right to sleep. :)

Pedicure with Grandma!

She was so excited for her pink toes

building cakes with Strawberry Shortcake on Grandpa's ipad

The May flowers the girls picked me for Mother's Day

Off picking some more!


kicking the soccer ball with cousin Caitlyn

Cute pic, but I think I should finally throw away that holey shirt

chilling before bed at great-grandpa Richard's house

The happy family

Rachel, Matt, & Payton with the sponsors

Payton with her sponsers


Getting a bottle from big sister Reiley

Attempting to hula-hoop

Payton with Uncle Chris and Aunt Dena

scootering with the neighbor girl

what a cutie patootie!

great-grandpa is so comfy she can fall asleep on him :)

Get used to those faces from Uncle Mike :)
