Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

*I apologize in advance, as this is kind of a venting post for the first half*

Well, the year is pretty much over. It has been a crazy filled year and we have had our share of bad luck (when it comes to this house) and hopefully 2014 has better things in store for us. And maybe a new place to live!

The two and a half days we have been home have been quite questionable.

The guy finished the new kitchen floor Sunday afternoon after we got home. Then he finished fixing the hole in the ceiling of the girl's room Monday morning. But of course he left a giant mess behind that I got to clean up before the girls could even use their room. A different guy came and fixed the living room carpet Monday morning as well, since they had to pull it up to put dryers and heaters under it to dry it out.

Today was incredibly low key since our hot water heater blew this morning and gushed hot water all over the basement. Turns out it broke at the seam and we need a new one.

Then I stubbed my toes on a weight by the bed and bruised my toe, I wouldn't doubt it if I sprained it.

The plumber did show up this afternoon and totally thought that he wasn't going to get us a new hot water heater until Thursday, but thankfully after a phone call, he told us he'll be out tomorrow morning with a new heater.

We are just hanging out tonight, not doing much. We found a channel with constant music videos and the girls had a blast jamming out in the living room. :)
Kylie knows "Roar" by Katy Perry pretty well and sang along to that song. It was hilarious. Sidney also enjoyed bouncing her head along to the videos.

Sidney didn't make it past 9:30 though. She was pretty tired. We'll see if any of the three of us make it to midnight. I'm sure Kylie won't.

This is the only picture I have from tonight. Too busy trying to clean up stuff and put things away from them being moved and from us unpacking.

Shared some sparkling grape juice with the girls.
Sidney loved it.
Kylie....not so much.
We hope you all have a wonderful New Years and that 2014 treats you all well. Take Care!!

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