Monday, December 30, 2013

15 months

Oh how the time is flying!

Sidney is just a busy little bee these days. Still won't sit still, unless she is not feeling well. And even then, it isn't for long.

She is very curious. She has finally gotten over her fear of the vacuum. She no longer screams in terror, but will squeal at it and has even just sat by it and will smack it while it is running. :) It is kind of amusing.

She signs; milk, eat, more, drink and hat. She picked up three words on our trip and now says up, apple and bye. (bye kind of sounds like bah, but everyone knows what she means). Listening to her say apple is the cutest thing. I love it. She was already saying dad and dada. And I will still every once in a long while hear her say mommy or momma.

Today she figured out that she can actually pick up Kylie's little step stool and move it around. She put it by the food shelf in the kitchen, climbs up and grabs food to give to me or Mike, waiting for us to open it and let her eat it. Sigh.....another place not safe from her grasp. When we got home from our trip she grabbed a couple things from the wall that use to be out of her reach. Not anymore.

I attempted getting a height on her tonight. It was 31 inches. So not much taller than the one year numbers I found, but getting there. She is also up to 22 pounds. She is still pretty lean like her sister.

She still loves food and eats like a champion. But she runs around like a maniac, so that explains her leanness.

She loves playing with dolls and loves playing with anything that her big sister is playing with. She gets a little upset when she is told that she can't have or use the thing Kylie has.

She has also developed a little attitude. Must get that from Kylie. :) When she really doesn't get her way, she has already figured out to just lay down on the floor, face down and cry and scream. Her little tantrums are so cute. :) (I'm sure I won't think that in a year or two!)

I didn't try hard at getting a picture today since we were dealing with the mess the house was still in from the kitchen flooding and them finally fixing the hole in the girls ceiling. The guys finally finished fixing everything today, but the place is still a mess. Hoping to get everything settled back down in the next day or so.

Here is a cute pic I got of her with my phone today though. Quite the squished up face! :)

15 month cutie

Hope you all have a wonderful New Years and don't party too hard tomorrow night!

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