Monday, December 2, 2013

14 months and Thanksgiving Week

Can't believe Sidney is 14 months old!

She is such a crazy little thing! Constantly go go go! Nothing like Kylie was at that age. Kylie would typically calm down at some point and just sit and snuggle with you, not Sidney. She is loves to constantly be exploring. Which is just fine too!

She has had a cough for almost 2 months now, and after not being able to make an appointment here in WI, I just took her to the walk-in clinic this past Wednesday. After some listening to her, and a couple chest x-rays (that Sidney greatly disapproved of), they still weren't sure why she has a cough. Their suggestion to me - try to narrow down some possible allergens.....hmmm. Considering I already told them that there are no smoking, no pets, no typical allergens that would be the same everywhere we have been that she has had the cough. (Oregon, Wyoming, Minnesota, & Wisconsin)
So unless she is really allergic to dust and that is causing her cough....I got nothing.

The only good thing about the trip.....he found that she had a couple of ear infections. So now she has some antibiotics and has to wait yet another 10 days before I can try to get her in for her second flu shot.

At the clinic she was up to 21.5 pounds. I've got no idea how tall she is. oops. :)
At the shack in MN we discovered that she got her 2 top first year molars, and on the 29th we found that she is finally getting her fourth top front tooth. So she is up to 6 on top, and only 2 on the bottom. She is starting to look a little funny. :) This last tooth that is coming in is really kicking her butt. She has had a fever the last two nights and has just been straight up miserable. This is the first tooth that her teething necklace isn't really helping her. I'm really hoping she gets that darn tooth all through soon! The last two days she has actually just sat and snuggled with us, so she is obviously not feeling to hot.

She loves walking and "running" around. And she has loved playing with her cousins the past few days. She has also made a new friend with her Aunt and Uncle's little puppy, Mocha. Sidney thinks that her tail is a handle and has also repeatedly tried to pick her up by the neck. It is pretty cute, and Mocha handles her well. :)

She still eats like a teenage boy and I've only seen her refuse food once so far. (I blame that on all this travel.) She greatly enjoyed her turkey dinner the other night and even enjoyed the leftovers too! We discovered that she is a fan of green jello salad. :)

And deer season went alright here too. Mike got a doe opening weekend, his brother got a doe opening weekend and then his brother and nephew got another doe on the last day. They didn't see anything during the week though. BUT - Mike went 3 for 3 for hunting in 3 states! The buck in WY, the doe in MN and a doe here. He isn't done though. He has a couple more tags he can fill during the muzzleloader season and then there is another doe season in a couple weeks. Not sure if he will hunt much though, he started cutting trees for his parents this morning and has already got a whole section cleared by the garage. His parents want to get a shed and put it up there.

I think that is about it. Here are some pictures from this past week!

Getting her Java petting in

Such good role models she has.... :)

Don't fret....she didn't really touch it

And of course, teaching her to sit on the table too.

Cupcake making with Caitlin and Rachel

A frosting master

The nubbin buck that came through the back yard....
shortly after Mike shot his mommy. :(

Getting all cozy. :)

Relaxing with a snack

Making funny faces with cousins

One sick and tired little lady, and a cuddly puppy

Helping Aunt Dena brush the puppy.
"Brushing her makes her hair all shiny and straight!" :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and if you went shopping, survived it with out any bruises!

It's December!!

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