Saturday, September 28, 2013

Trip west

We spent the last 10 days either traveling, hanging out in Oregon or hanging out in Jackson, WY. It was a looong 10 days, but very enjoyable!
The first part was spent around Portland, Or with my brother and his family. It was my niece's 3rd birthday while we were there and my nephew/godson was also baptized while we were there. I finally got to meet little William and it was nice to see them all in general because it had been much to long since we got to visit with them!
We got to the coast while we were there and both girls LOVED the ocean! Thankfully it wasn't as cold/rainy as we thought it was going to be, so we got to spend some decent time outside there! And Sidney also loved the clam chowder!
We then drove kind of diagonally across Oregon and eventually got to Jackson, WY. We met up with Mike's parents and some family friends and hung out with them for a night/half a day. The weather turned south on us while we were there, so they cut their trip a day short. We decided to spend an extra night in Jackson as a result of the weather, instead of heading north to MT.
We got home last night, to what we thought was a good house, until we noticed the ceiling leaking in Kylie's room, and part of the ceiling all bowed down....hmm. Time to move I think....seriously.
I took massive amounts of pictures with the camera, and like 5 with my phone. But here are the pics from my camera.
I swear, one day I will get the computer fixed.

one year old Sidney and her same sized 6th month old
cousin William
Had supper at the Snake River Brewing Co
one night, Mike brought home a gallon of beer
and a glass as his souvenirs of the trip!
Kylie sitting on a giant bear chair outside a store in Jackson

Kylie making a crayon rubbing in the children's discovery center
section of the national museum of wildlife art

some fall color in Grand Teton national park

a random sunset in Jackson
aren't we a snazzy family? :)
(I am totally regretting that dress choice!)

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