Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July

We didn't do anything too crazy exciting for the fourth. The town of Ten Sleep had a parade so we drove over there to watch it. One of my friends saw us there and told us we had to sit with her family so we wouldn't be alone. So Kylie got to sit with a few kids and I had someone else to talk to too! The parade was about 30 minutes, just right for a 3 year old.

She was pretty grumpy when we first got there.
Still in a "mood"
But look at her cute nails!
getting candy
Sidney was either doing this....
Or this.
one business passed out ice cream sandwiches.
Afterwards, we took a short drive to the base of the mountain and back to Ten Sleep just so I could get Sidney to take a little nap! It was nice to drive by the river there and see the mountain again. Then I surprised Kylie by taking her to the splash pad. She didn't know I packed the swim suits. She was pretty excited. We also had a little picnic there too. After Sidney finally woke up and ate, I took her into the splash pad too. She did NOT approve. :) Which was ok, since Kylie wanted to pack up and go play at the park. So after some swinging, we packed up and drove home.

During Sidney's afternoon nap Kylie and I did a couple crafts. The first was to be flour stars across the lawn....I think the grass was too long because that was a complete and utter failure. So I figured we could just do them on the sidewalk. That worked out a lot better. I thought they would just get blown off by the crazy wind, or just wash off from the sprinklers in the morning. They did not. The sprinklers got them just wet enough that they turned into cement. I couldn't even hose them off the sidewalk this evening. Oh well, I'm sure little by little they will disappear. Then Kylie and I made q-tip fireworks. She enjoyed that too.
Shaking out the flour
The stars leading to the door.
She felt the need to hop over them all

coloring the q-tips
gluing them on
Finished product and making
funny faces in true auntie Katie style
That evening, we played with those pull poppers that shoot out paper, some smoke bombs, and those snap its things that you throw at the sidewalk and they snap. She loved all that too. We were going to do sparklers, but I couldn't find an appropriate tool to light them without burning my hand off, and then the wind picked up and a little storm blew through. (We did them tonight!) Since Sidney was tired, and it was kinda raining, I decided not to go to the dump and watch people shoot off fireworks. Kylie got to sit in my window though and watch a decent display that someone near town was shooting off.

my attempt at a pic of me and the girls.
Thank goodness at least they are cute looking here!
Throwing the snap its
trying to get her ears plugged before it snaps. :)
She would also scream every time one snapped. :)
Her utter joy for this made me so happy.
Yea smoke bombs!
Sidney was very focused on those smoke bombs
Tonight we did a box of sparklers and we actually saved some of everything to do with Mike when he gets home. (TOMORROW!!!!)

I still couldn't find our long handled lighters to light these.
So, yes, we totally lit them off of the oil lamp.
She thought it was fun, but did not appreciate the smoke
they produced. In her words....
"These are stinky!"
And lastly, here is what Sidney figured out how to do today. She was pretty proud of herself.

Look Mom! I climbed up the oven door!
Hope you all had a wonderful fourth and that you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Mike comes home tomorrow!!!!!!!!! I am sure we will have a great weekend!

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