Monday, July 29, 2013

First Campout!


Mike had Friday and Saturday off and we couldn't decide if we wanted to go camping like we have wanted to all summer or if we should make the shopping run that we have needed to do these past few weeks. (oh my, have our shelves and freezers been empty!)

We decided to do both! We drove up to Cody Friday morning and then drove around the Shoshone National Forest looking at different campgrounds until we found a good one for us. I think I have been spoiled growing up in the Midwest where campgrounds have grass everywhere. The first 3 campgrounds we went to had nothing but rocks to set up on. I think they were catering to the RVers. But we eventually found one that had a decent grass spot and was along the river.

We set up camp and then ran to town to pick up a few groceries and then went back to relax for the night. We had a yummy supper and Kylie got to play in the river for a little bit. Sidney greatly enjoyed getting to crawl around and play in the dirt! The smores tasted exceptionally delicious that night.
The clouds were starting to roll in around bed time, so we picked things up and hopped in the tent just in time for a short 5 minute shower to blow through.

Checking out the set up
trying to convince Sidney that she can move in these shoes...
she loved being in the dirt
her "high chair" for the night
Kylie's little castle she was building
Loving the smores
Loving the dirt
Sidney refused to fall asleep in the tent and also refused to stay in one spot in the tent. I eventually took her out for a little walk and ended up rocking her to sleep. I have no idea how long she actually slept alone, but at some point I ended up giving up and more or less holding her in my arms as we slept for the rest of the night. Which also resulted in me losing the majority of my pillow to her. Needless to say....I did not sleep well. She slept alright though. As did Kylie. But I will say 60* is a lot cooler than I thought it would be. And we will be packing more bedtime warmth the next time we go camping!
after I got up that morning, she slept there

the river we were next to
this rock was sooo much cooler in person....all striped and
cool looking
a doe came in and walked through our campsite
Once Kylie finally woke up and had some breakfast we broke down camp and packed up. On our way back to Cody we stopped at the Buffalo Bill Dam. Kylie thought it was pretty neat and also asked if some beavers lived there. :)

We got back to Cody and had lunch then did some shopping. It was a fast weekend, but it was nice to get out of Worland for a little bit.

The county fair is this week here in Worland. Hoping to get there once and get Kylie on a couple rides. She should be plenty tall enough to get on some of them at least. :)

Hope you had a good weekend too!

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