Tuesday, July 30, 2013

10 Months!


Sidney is 10 months old! My friend Colleen said it best about her 10 month old, Eddie, over in her blog.  "The fact that Eddie is 10 months old does not shock me as much as the concept that he is only 2 months from being 1." (except substitute Sidney for Eddie and she for he!) :)

Her stats are:
Weight: ~ 16.6 pounds. - so she is up in weight from her 9 month weight. Yea!
Height:  ~ 28.5 inches. Still growing tall!

looking at baby books; she is half an inch SHORTER than Kylie was at 10 months and about 1.5 pounds LIGHTER.....hmmm....is my Sidney going to be even more petite than Kylie, or did Kylie have a growth spurt at 10 months?
Someone did ask me today if Sidney was about 6 months old......I don't think she looks THAT small! Does she?

Teeth: still only 2....I am starting to wonder.

Sleeps: like a champ and still takes 2-3 naps a day....ahh, bliss. - if only Kylie would nap....*sigh*

Food: LOVES self-feeding and after losing almost half a pound and not really wanting to breastfeed at all, she fully switched to formula on the 21st. She is perfectly ok with it and gets pretty excited when she sees a bottle and gets a little anxious if I don't get it to her fast enough!

Walking: She is almost there! She has stood alone multiple times for a few seconds each time! And she can easily walk across the room holding onto just one of my fingers, nothing else helping her. If she is holding a finger in each of her hands she can almost "run" across the room. She gets so excited to be moving!

She loves playing with Kylie and chasing her all over the house. Most of the time Kylie does a really great job of playing nice with her. It is so cute to watch sometimes. :)

For her 10 month pics I put her in the same onesie Kylie wore for her 10 month picture in her baby book. The only problem....Sidney refused to be still and sit nice for even one photo....So my attempt at a similar photo didn't turn out so well. But they will still be good baby book photos to show how crazy my little lady is! :)

- ANNNND of course, I can't get pics to upload.....I may end up going to the library to upload the photos to the blog later this week. I still can't figure out why it isn't working...I'm sorry. :(

She figured out how to crawl up onto this
and was SO excited

only sitting still photo - but on the verge of moving


Monday, July 29, 2013

First Campout!


Mike had Friday and Saturday off and we couldn't decide if we wanted to go camping like we have wanted to all summer or if we should make the shopping run that we have needed to do these past few weeks. (oh my, have our shelves and freezers been empty!)

We decided to do both! We drove up to Cody Friday morning and then drove around the Shoshone National Forest looking at different campgrounds until we found a good one for us. I think I have been spoiled growing up in the Midwest where campgrounds have grass everywhere. The first 3 campgrounds we went to had nothing but rocks to set up on. I think they were catering to the RVers. But we eventually found one that had a decent grass spot and was along the river.

We set up camp and then ran to town to pick up a few groceries and then went back to relax for the night. We had a yummy supper and Kylie got to play in the river for a little bit. Sidney greatly enjoyed getting to crawl around and play in the dirt! The smores tasted exceptionally delicious that night.
The clouds were starting to roll in around bed time, so we picked things up and hopped in the tent just in time for a short 5 minute shower to blow through.

Checking out the set up
trying to convince Sidney that she can move in these shoes...
she loved being in the dirt
her "high chair" for the night
Kylie's little castle she was building
Loving the smores
Loving the dirt
Sidney refused to fall asleep in the tent and also refused to stay in one spot in the tent. I eventually took her out for a little walk and ended up rocking her to sleep. I have no idea how long she actually slept alone, but at some point I ended up giving up and more or less holding her in my arms as we slept for the rest of the night. Which also resulted in me losing the majority of my pillow to her. Needless to say....I did not sleep well. She slept alright though. As did Kylie. But I will say 60* is a lot cooler than I thought it would be. And we will be packing more bedtime warmth the next time we go camping!
after I got up that morning, she slept there

the river we were next to
this rock was sooo much cooler in person....all striped and
cool looking
a doe came in and walked through our campsite
Once Kylie finally woke up and had some breakfast we broke down camp and packed up. On our way back to Cody we stopped at the Buffalo Bill Dam. Kylie thought it was pretty neat and also asked if some beavers lived there. :)

We got back to Cody and had lunch then did some shopping. It was a fast weekend, but it was nice to get out of Worland for a little bit.

The county fair is this week here in Worland. Hoping to get there once and get Kylie on a couple rides. She should be plenty tall enough to get on some of them at least. :)

Hope you had a good weekend too!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Random Fun

Here are some pictures from the past few days.

Thursday we had playgroup at one of the mom's houses. Water balloons, pool, sprinkler, swingset, water table, kitty cat, watermelon and trampoline. All the kids had a great time.

attempting to take a playgroup group photo of the kids...
yeah right. I know the 2 babies are out of the pic,
and possibly 1 other kid....
the number of kids each week varies WIDELY
Thursday night the hospital was having a celebration that we went to. Cake and ice cream. Then a bunch of little kid games. Kylie had a fabulous time and we saw some people we knew so we got to hang out with them too. That was nice.

Not really feeling her ice cream and cake....:)
Sidney loved the cake though!
Kylie watching her ping pong drop through
the pegs

Going Fishing!
Getting her face painted
a pink and purple "cat"

Friday night we went to supper at a playgroup family's house. It was suppose to be me and the girls and her, her husband and their two girls. But her husband got called out Friday morning to go to the fire down by Casper. He works at the BLM like Mike as a Range Management Specialist. But us 6 girls had a nice girls night.
Sidney practicing her waving while
she try beets and mandarin oranges for
the first time for lunch yesterday.
She approves of both!
When we got home from our supper date this nice looking
guy and another small guy were hanging out by the
house. (sorry the pic is soo blurry)

Today was the town's parade. Celebrating 100 years. It was very long, and VERY hot. Thankfully quite a few floats were passing out those icee pops and one float passed out pop and another handed out water. There was a whole lot of candy tossed out too. Kylie got quite the collection.

Sidney laid back through the whole parade and
drank the whole cup of water.
It was hot!! and she was tired!
Kylie sitting with her friends.
We also enjoyed a couple of strawberry fruit bars from
that Schwans truck after the parade!

Getting some candy

After the parade there was a luncheon out at the fairgrounds. It was alright, the people selling stuff didn't plan very well and didn't have enough food, but we got a little something to eat. Then Kylie got to get her face painted, for the second time in 3 days. She was pretty stoked. The lady was pretty impressed with how well she sat still for it too. Especially since she got a whole face full!

Kylie getting her face painted.
Sidney enjoyed a snack while big sis
got painted.

Her flower :)

Her butterfly :)

Pretty girl!

That was our week. Mike should be home tomorrow....unless he got moved to that fire down there and I don't know about it. There is no cell service where he is down cutting.

I called his cell tonight to leave a message about the fabulous song Kylie was singing in the tub tonight. It was turned off. He'll have a pretty hilarious message when he turns it on. :)

Her song went something like this:
" I want my daddy. I want my daddy.
You know what his name is.
His name is Michael.
My name is Kylie Jean.

It was so cute and just hilarious! :) I wish I had the video camera going for it!

Hope you are all having a good weekend!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Mountain Hike

This past Sunday we took advantage of Mike being home and took the opportunity to find some cooler temperatures. We packed a picnic and headed up to the mountain. We stopped at the big lake (its name is escaping me right now!) and ate lunch and then walked around there for a few minutes till we realized there is no real trail that goes around the lake like we hoped there was.



We packed up and then just drove around a couple of the campgrounds near the lake just to see what they were like and if we would want to hit them up later this summer. I think we will totally be doing that. Then we decided to take some random road and see where it headed to. Turns out it heads up to 4 other campgrounds and another lake called West Ten Sleep Lake. There are a number of trails that start out of there and head off into the wilderness. Kylie chose a trail and we took off. We were at 9100+ feet elevation, so I didn't really expect Kylie (or myself!) to last very long. :) We walked for a little while, stopped for a snack break and then walked some more. We got to a point where we left the trail and went down to check out the river. Turns out, just a little farther up, the trail turns and you have to cross the river. By walking through it. Needless to say, we weren't doing that with the girls. Not quite ready for that yet.

West Ten Sleep Lake
Note the snow on the ridge across the lake!
I don't think it ever it 70* up there while we were hiking!
Oh how I LOVE this photo

Snack Break!

The waterfall was more of a cascading downward river fall

We will later be wandering around down in that grassy area

Look - even WY flora is cheering for the Vikings! :)

The bushy brown tail of some sort of woodchuck like creature
before it disappeared into the rocks!

Where we stopped to turn around.
Just behind those evergreens next to the river are
two ropes to hold onto as you cross the river.

We walked back down along the river and got to the top of the small waterfall and stopped for another snack break. Then we continued to follow the river down and eventually had to leave it and head back up to the trail. Kylie then slowed waaay down and gave up. She said she was too tired to walk anymore. Mike gave her a ride the rest of the way back.
It was nice to get out and see some new areas.
We also managed to see some random wood chuck like creature before it hid in the rocks and while we were driving back to the highway to head home we also got to see a moose. So that was fun too!
The view from our second snack break.

Me and my Sidney Bean

(the grassy area)
Kylie managed to only step into the little 1 foot wide creeks
down there only once. And never complained about having a
wet foot.
Must be because she purposely sprays her shoed feet at home
with the hose.....

Getting a ride back

-I would have posted this yesterday, Monday or even Sunday night, but my computer has stopped recognizing my SD card when I put it in and I couldn't get the pictures downloaded to the computer. And I just found my cord for the camera yesterday! and of course last night the pictures wouldn't upload to the post!

Thank goodness Mike has mandatory days off. We got to enjoy him being home Saturday evening, Sunday and Monday. He left yesterday morning to go to one of the fuels crews projects. This one is in SW WY. They are planning on being home Sunday sometime.

Going to try to plan something cold for Thursday. Forecast calls for 100+ degrees. Not ok at all.
Hope you're all having a good week!