Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Our time in Wisconsin was spent full of fun.
It involved making cookies, playing in the snow and sliding down the back yard, Kylie playing with all her cousins, lots of Christmas presents, a marathon Trivial Pursuit game, lots of Sidney cuddling and a lot of catching up with family.And don't forget the Packer/Viking game watching. :) It was a wonderful time and we missed everyone the moment we left. I know Kylie still misses all of her cousins and is still constantly talking about them.
Here are some random photos from our time there.

Kylie working hard at making cookies!

Kylie & Sidney on Christmas Eve

Sidney on Christmas morning
 Family photo on Christmas Eve

Sliding with Jacob

Grandkids (minus a couple)

Bonding time

Sidney doing her best to represent her green & gold
and her purple & yellow pride

More bonding & giving huge grins
I apologize for the organization of the photos. I added them and was then trying to rearrange them, and just made them worse!
There were also SO many photos taken that I had a hard time picking out a few!

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