Wednesday, January 30, 2013

4 months!

Sidney turned 4 months old today and had her check up today too. I can't believe it has only been 4 months since she got here. It seems like she has been around for forever already!
Once again, everyone at the clinic was in love with her giant chipmunk cheeks. Here are her stats:
15 lbs 11 oz -- puts her at 95th percentile, again. 25 inches -- keeps her in the 75th percentile.
He was very happy with her growth, and was surprised it was all just breastmilk.
If any of you remember her 3 month photo on facebook, I commented that she was our little 17 pounder. I think she went down in weight because, as most of you know, Sidney was on a pooping strike during our trip home. Now that we are home, she is back to pooping 5 times a day so I think that slimmed her down a little! :)
Here are a couple pictures of her from today.

She was very tired today, so not giving her usual open-mouth grins.

At least a little grin given :)
She will occasionally allow some happiness durning tummy time
Kylie wanted in on some photo shoot action. :)

Library hour

Every Wednesday the local library has a storytime for young children. We have been going ever since we moved to Worland. They bring in people to teach the kids about their jobs, or they just tell stories and sing songs. It is through the program that Kylie & I have made the majority of our friends. Kylie has even managed to get herself in the local  paper or on the library website from pictures taken during the program. She has a blast there!
This weeks stories were about groundhogs and then each of the kids got to make a groundhog.
Here are a few pics from her crafting time.

Preparing to glue on some teeth

Adding the whiskers

Kylie with her finished groundhog :)
For the life of me, I can't get this last picture to get bigger. The photo editor that pops up when you click on a picture seems to only appear for the first one or two pictures I add to a post. I will have to figure out how to remedy that. For now it will just drive me crazy! :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So....this is 27

My golden birthday was the other day. I am now 27. I feel no different. The fact that I was able to pull off a short wall handstand the other day reaffirms my feelings that I don't feel as old as I am! Except the nights that neither Kylie or Sidney want to go to bed. I am down right exhausted after those nights, but I can blame that on them, right?
Last Friday I found out how horrible Kylie is at keeping secrets. I am sure you all saw my facebook post about the popcorn popper. It was the most random funny thing. We finally made some popcorn last night. Kylie was more excited than I was. It was delicious!
The night before my birthday she almost let another present slip. She started talking about putting slippers up on something. I wasn't quite following her and then Mike got her to stop talking about it.
I totally thought they bought a shoe rack or something since I think the shoes on the porch are a giant mess. Turns out that was no where near what she was talking about!
Kylie picked out a present just for me all by herself. And what she was talking about was how she put the present up on the check-out counter all by herself. She was so proud of herself getting me a present.
Here is a photo of the well known popcorn popper and of the most amazing cow slippers ever. :)

I also received a beautiful necklace and earrings from Mike that I do not have a photo of.
It was a wonderful birthday and I couldn't have asked for anything better than spending the day with Mike and our beautiful girls. 

Back Home in WY

After a month long vacation we decided that we should probably head home. We also wanted to beat the cold weather that was coming into MN. We hit it on our way home the first day. Extremely windy with blowing snow all the way across ND. We didn't get as far as we wanted and ended up calling it a day in Dickinson. It was at least half way though, so that was nice.
The second day of travel was sunny and in the 30s for most of the trip. That was very nice.
We made it back home to find everything just as we left it. Which took us by surprise, we totally expected a busted pipe or something! So that was nice to come home to.
Here are just a few random pics from this past week.
Sidney FINALLY enjoying some tummy time!
  Sidney's new favorite sleeping postion

Sidney's first time in the exersaucer....she now loves this thing!
Kylie made a version of this at library hour last week (with old marshmellows and she was so upset that I wouldn't let her eat it!) So we made a new one at home that She was allowed to eat. :)
Sidney being her smiley little self.


While on our trip Kylie was insisting that we go bowling. She had never been before and it had been a long time since Mike or I went. We didn't get a chance to go in WI, so we made sure we got to go in MN before we left.

We totally had the bumpers up, which benefited all of us, and Kylie used one of those ramps. Kylie even managed to get one strike and she broke 100 on her second game. She had a blast!
Sidney seemed to enjoy being passed from person to person as we each bowled and then felt there was too much excitement and she took a nap. :)

Kylie was SO excited to knock down those pins!

 Kylie about to bowl with Grandpa Mark
 Ready to Bowl!
 Sidney enjoying the scenery with Grandpa Mark
Sidney enjoying her nap at the bowling alley


While in Minnesota we took the girls sledding. We went to a place called L&M hill. That is where I spent a lot of time as a kid going sledding. It was lots of fun.

Kylie & Josie going down the hill

Kylie ready to go down with Aunt Katie

Yes, I did take Sidney down the hill. She was totally unfazed by it. Shortly afterwards she fell asleep in my arms as we stood ontop of the hill.
Mike and Kylie ready to go down the hill

Minnesota Visit

After our time in Wisconsin we headed over to Minnesota to see some more family.
Our time there was filled with a whole lot of fun too. Lots of family visiting, lots of watercolor painting, and a whole lot of relaxing. We spent one weekend down in Wadena so the girls could visit their great-grandparents. Even a old family friend who has wanted to meet Kylie for 3 years finally got to meet her. Sidney also got to meet her first doggie and kitties.
Kylie got to torture the kitties and even Sidney got a handful of fur one time. One of the cats took a liking to Mike, no matter how much he picked on her! I guess she was pretty lonely for a day after we all left. :)
Kylie's new favorite pastime

Landis, Kylie & Josie playing in the back yard

Aunti Katie & Sidney. I have a VERY similar photo of Katie & Kylie when she was a baby. :)

Josie & Kylie painting away

Sidney getting up close & personal with Jackson
the girls with Great Grandma Norma & Great Grandpa Lyman

Sidney with Great Grandma Inez

New Years Eve & a Dip in the Pool

For New Years we were able to go down to Stevens Point and visit some friends from college. It was so great to catch up with everyone! It is hard only seeing them ever few years.

Our friends Tristan and Colleen were there and they have a little boy named Eddie. He is just 3 days older than Sidney. They greatly enjoyed checking each other out!

Sidney & Eddie - both 3 months old
We stayed at a hotel in Stevens Point and got to introduce Sidney to her first pool. As you can see in the photo - she was completely unimpressed. :)


Our time in Wisconsin was spent full of fun.
It involved making cookies, playing in the snow and sliding down the back yard, Kylie playing with all her cousins, lots of Christmas presents, a marathon Trivial Pursuit game, lots of Sidney cuddling and a lot of catching up with family.And don't forget the Packer/Viking game watching. :) It was a wonderful time and we missed everyone the moment we left. I know Kylie still misses all of her cousins and is still constantly talking about them.
Here are some random photos from our time there.

Kylie working hard at making cookies!

Kylie & Sidney on Christmas Eve

Sidney on Christmas morning
 Family photo on Christmas Eve

Sliding with Jacob

Grandkids (minus a couple)

Bonding time

Sidney doing her best to represent her green & gold
and her purple & yellow pride

More bonding & giving huge grins
I apologize for the organization of the photos. I added them and was then trying to rearrange them, and just made them worse!
There were also SO many photos taken that I had a hard time picking out a few!

Green Bay Visit

Our first weekend in WI we took a trip over to Green Bay to visit Grandpa & Sandy. We got to spend some time and have lunch with them. It was a great visit. Took a picture of the 4 generations. I wish I would have had both girls in the photo though. I have a similar photo from 3 years ago, when Kylie was that little though.
Four generations of Mattmillers

Road Trip!

With Mike being temporarily unemployed, we decided that now would be a good time to go home and let people meet Sidney and visit family.....or in off our parents for a couple of weeks. :) I don't think they minded too much though. At least they didn't say anything!
Doing the 16+ hour drive is more of a challenge with 2 little ones now though. So we took it easy and made it a two day trip (as to avoid a similar incident as the elk incident from last summer). Both Kylie & Sidney are amazing travelers and we couldn't ask anything better of them!
Sidney did a whole lot of this on the way there.

Kylie did some of this too, not a whole lot, but enough to keep us all sane. :)
The drive there was successful and we managed to surprise Mike's mom at work. She then got to show off her grandbabies to all her coworkers. :) 

Here we Go

So, I've decided to start one of these up since so many people I know have recently created one. Give me a break though, I am just learning how to do this stuff.  :)

 I feel like I would keep more up to date posting some pictures if I do it on a regular basis, versus downloading 100 at a time into a facebook album. This is going to be mostly keeping family & friends up to date with new pictures and randomness that the girls do. And if Mike has any odd randomness I will add that too. :)

Hope to start adding posts later today. I will backtrack to our trip back to the midwest and catch up through the end of January, then will hopefully post on a regular basis. If I don't, feel free to pester me about it!

Hope you all enjoy!