Friday, June 7, 2013

Scootering and Muddy Puddles

We went for a walk this morning before it got too hot. We also convinced Kylie to bring along her scooter and ride it on the bike path. - we only have about 10 feet of sidewalk, so she only has dirt road and grass to ride it on, it would be nice to practice on something smoother. - She did pretty good. Only crashed twice. :) And only needed one Band-Aid. (to make her feel better, she was barely scratched.) She got pretty tired pretty quick though and ended up getting a shoulder ride for part of the way back. :)

She was pretty excited to get started.
Watching her go and looking at her from behind,
she looked so grown up today.
(still can't fathom that she has less than 3 months until she is 4!)




pretty excited about this shoulder ride

This afternoon Kylie spent some time outside and proceeded to poor lots of water in the new dirt spot - created by her feet since she has figured out how to get on the swing, start swinging and then dragging her feet in order to stop herself - and thus creating a muddy puddle to splash in. She had a fabulous time. :)

Loving every second of it

really getting into it

love the combo of girly pink toes and MUD

And a random shot of the mountains today
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Looking forward to it only be in the 70's tomorrow before we get a couple of days of 90's. Yuck. - Putting in the air conditioner tomorrow!

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