Saturday, June 8, 2013


Sidney loves to eat real food now. I think she would eat anything we gave her, except she still only barely has two teeth so I am a little hesitant to give her anything that won't more or less dissolve in her mouth. :)
She has gotten so much better at eating that I am now willing to let Kylie feed her. Kylie loves helping and I think Sidney finds it amusing.
Sidney is also a big fan of hard-boiled egg yolk and really loved the rice she had for supper last night.
Here are some random food photos from this past week. :)

Kylie helping

I love how in both photos Kylie has her mouth open
to "encourage" Sidney to open hers. :)

Egg yolk!
She grabs it a little too aggressively and usually squishes it,
but still enjoys it just the same.


A random cute cheerio face

Devouring the rice!

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