Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pinterest Fun - Day 6

I think this will be the last of the daily pinterest updates. We may still do random fun things everyday, but I doubt I will post regular posts. At least not until Mike gets back.

Here are the pics from our finished hanging windsocks. They are in the tree right next to the house, so anyone who drives in can see them. :)

She's pretty proud of them. :)

We also put some 4th of July window clings up on the screen door and the door to the porch tonight. She really loves arranging them. :)
Today's activity though was more of a loner activity for Kylie. Which was nice, because I got to get a few dishes done and some stuff picked up since my cousin and his wife and kitty are crashing at our house tonight as they move from Idaho to MN.
I filled a cake pan with baking soda and gave her 4 cups with different colored vinegar and a medicine dropper. Showed her what to do and then let her go to town. :)
She had fun and was sad to learn that I had no more baking soda since I used it all for her right away.
Here she is.



I love this "whoa" face.

She filled it up with ALL the vinegar. :)
That's all I got tonight. Must go finish picking up a couple of things before they get here. Should be any minute now!
Hope you're all having a good weekend!!

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