Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Spring Soccer Season

We were busy in April with Soccer. We had two games cancelled due to rain and as a result Kylie had 3 games last week to make up for them. Monday the 2nd was suppose to be our last scheduled one, but we ended the season on the 5th instead.
The kids played a lot better than they did last fall, really listening to their coach about spreading out and not hogging the ball as much. Each of the kids have individually gotten much better too!

Games one and two were losses, game three was a tie, 0-0 and games 4 & 5 they won! 1-0
Game six ended in a 0-0 tie.
2 losses, 2 ties and 2 wins. Not bad. :)

Enjoy random soccer pictures!!!


   (it was SO cold!)





(it was SO hot!)

I didn't see Sidney the whole game...(she was playing on the playground...
within my sight, don't fret)....She showed up at the end of the game to drink half
this Nalgene of water....she was hot and sweaty! Just like the kids playing.
Thankfully, Kylie was in charge of snack and we brought fudgesicles and popsicles as a
end of season treat.  

As fun as the soccer games are, I'm glad it is over and we can have our evenings back. Last week with 3 games was tough!

Now we just have 7 days of school, 1 dance class and the dance recital left before we get to relax for the summer! And we are counting down the days until Grandma and Grandpa Mattmiller get here! 9 days!!

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