Monday, May 2, 2016

April Catch Up

April was crazy busy. I feel like almost every day had something on the calendar. This coming week is going to be super busy too, but then it should calm down for the last two weeks of school!
Eek! There is only 3 weeks of school left! Then I have to entertain them both for the summer!
Oh No!!
Just kidding. I already have lots of plans to keep us busy and sane through the summer! Can't wait!

Here is Sidney working on her Earth Day craft at library hour. They made coffee filter globes. I always wanted to make that craft, but we never had. So, yea!

It was dress as your favorite character for librarians that week too, so our children's librarian was dressed as Mary Poppins. And at the end, another librarian came in dressed as the chimney sweep and they taught the kids the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious song. :)
(I am mildly impressed that I spelt that properly on the first try!)


On the 15th Kylie got her teeth pulled. The dentist decided that after pulling the front 4, the others were no where near ready to pull. So that was nice. Only 4 out. But the roots on those things were insane! Those little babies were not going anywhere on their own! :(
She was an awesome patient and did SO well! Much better than mommy did. :)

Kylie's last smile with a full set of teeth the night before getting them pulled.

Snuggling with mommy after her appointment. She was trying not to show her teeth in her smile. Poor thing was still pretty numb and tingly at this point.

Showing off her first no teeth smile. (after some convincing from momma)


On the 16th, Sidney had her first invite to a birthday party, to a little girl she is friends with, whom we met at library hour.
Sidney was SO excited to go and pick out a present for her all by herself. :) The little girl was turning 4 and was having a princess birthday. :)
Kylie got to tag along too. :)

One of the games they played was so stinking cute! It was a princess version of pin the tail on the donkey.
They had to kiss a frog. The mom had gone out and bought a tube of lipstick for each girl and got them all purdy. Then they each got spun, and had to go find and kiss the frog on the paper. :)


This is just an adorable picture. :)

The school held a bike safety presentation on the 20th, so we stayed after school for that and Sidney got to sit with and hang out with some big kids. :)

After some educational stuff, the kids got to go through an obstacle course and use some of the knowledge they learned inside.

Even Sidney insisted on riding her little trike through the course. Really need to get her to learn how to pedal the bigger bike with out pushing backwards and putting  the brakes on. She is getting a little big for the trike! :)


Took the kitties outside. They enjoyed the jungle of weeds that we hadn't tackled yet. :)


We had a yard sale on the 23rd. Wasn't a huge turn out. Still have WAY too many little girl clothes left, but we got rid of a number of things.

Kylie also got to have her first lemonade stand. She was pretty excited! Sidney didn't really care too much about it and you can tell that in the photo below. They also spilled some lemonade a couple times and by the end the sign was trashed. :)
Kylie made out like a bandit though. Easy to do though when someone gives you a $10 and says "no change"!


A cute picture of Kylie and her crazy frizzy curls during the week it constantly rained. Humidity isn't going to be her friend.

A pic of a sleepy pukey little girl.  Both of the girls have been through the ringer this spring with random sickness. :(

And a picture of the cute kitties. Because, why not?

Hope everyone had a wonderful April and that you have fun things planned for May. We have a fun filled week ready for as soon as school is out. :)

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