Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2016 Chadron Dance Boutique Recital

Disclaimer - - This is a really long post due to massive amounts of pictures!

The night of the 20th was the girls' dance recital. It was so not what I was expecting!

But it was SO CUTE and FABULOUS!

The place was SO full it was crazy! The girls' info paper told us that we had to be there by 645. We got there around 620 and it was already crazy! Mike and his parents went in and saved us a row of seats while I took the girls back to their rooms. By the time I got back to the hall it was over half full and people had rows after rows of seats saved. So I was glad we got there early and were able to get some decent seats!

The night before was the rehearsal and it was so weird to just drop them off and leave. But both girls loved it. Each preschool through 1st grader was matched up with an older dance student who brought crayons, books, and snacks to keep the younger ones occupied between dances for both rehearsal and recital nights. Each of the bigger kids also helped the little ones change their costumes if they needed help.

It all worked out awesome!

I ordered a dvd of the recital from a company that video tapes the recital each year, so I'm hoping to get that soon! Here are a ridiculous amount of photos for you to look at though that myself and Rick took. :)

What's New at the Zoo

Sidney was such a cute little flamingo! (I did a pretty good job on her costume, if I must say.) Despite my best efforts of shaking out her costume, she did leave a couple of feathers on the stage. Oops. :)

Almost There
(from The Princess and the Frog)

Now to just remind Kylie to SMILE when she is dancing. :)

When You're a Princess
(from a Barbie movie)

Lots of these pics!

Learn Me Right
(from the movie Brave)

Pumping up the Party
This face is just priceless. :)

Shake it Off (Taylor Swift)

The Nae-Nae

That's it! Finally, huh? I warned you there would be lots of photos!

After the finale, Ms. Shauna handed out awards to girls who've been dancing 5 years and 10 years. And she handed out roses to each girl. :)

The girls with their roses after the recital

Back at home with all their flowers.

We got home and had some friends who came to watch the girls at the recital come over for a little bit and the girls got an ice cream treat. They were so tired. At one point, I asked Mike what Sidney was doing out in the living room with him and he said "I thought she was in the kitchen with you.". Turns out, Sidney was so tired she went and put herself to bed without telling anyone she was going to bed. :)

Poor tired bug.

It was wonderful watching the girls get better and better through the year and watching Sidney finally grasp how to do a couple of everyday things, like skip and somersault. For their very first year of dance, I think they loved it! It was so much fun and I'm glad we found the Chadron Dance Boutique!

We can't wait for next year!